180-Degrees is a small church plant, about 5 years into the process, but we have a dynamic group of believers who absolutely feel that God wants to get the good news of His love, gospel and glory to the nations. Caitlin is one of our people who have such a burden for the nations, Haiti specifically. Caitlin and her sis, Leah (Boston, MA), have been going over to Haiti now for a few years. The outreach started with games and dances, sports, and activities for many of the children. As the months went by, Leah and Caitlin struggled with the little bit that they were able to give to the nation. As we all know by now post-earthquake Haiti is is shambles. America as a nation cannot band aid the needs of this torn apart nation. Yet Caitlin and Leah continue to visit and ask God for wisdom of how to make the greatest impact for God in the history of this great people. Caitlin is sure after years of walking with the Lord that the "greatest hope of the world is the church." The church gives out the gospel, the connection to God, and the love needed for a dying and broken world. Jesus is the head and presence of the church, and even in the midst of suffering, the world can hold to the eternal promise by Christ that truly he brings all into eternal life that believe and live for Him. Caitlin and Leah have begun to take baby steps in identifying young leaders in Haiti, who can be trained and equipped to lead a charge for Christ by establishing churches in this nation. Many great things will come forth from this effort: homes for boys, schools, job training, summer camps, agricultural training. For now, Caitlin and Leah are planning a trip in late July. Pray God to open their eyes to see the next steps in reaching nation Haiti with the Gospel of Christ and the wisdom to identify and equip leaders to develop passionate churches for Jesus. Jesus is the hope of the world....and Jesus is in the church. Join 180 in a thrust of prayer and action to plant churches, 'till the whole world knows.' "And this gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come."- Matthew 24:14. More coming on some people we know in Haiti and their stories....Notice Caitlin's blog link on my partner list. - Stu
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Hair Do's and Grace
Good to be alive today, good to have another shot at experiencing all the Lord has for us to learn about Him. Today I got a good lesson in "grace". Dictionary.com states grace defined as:
the freely given unmerited favor and love of God
Unmerited is good for me in today's lesson. Not earned, not deserved....nothing I did. Today's grace teacher is my wife. Today was a very unique slow day for me. I slept in after a very hectic and involved weekend. Cup of coffee, kids, dog, lovin's lovin's. Was asked by my wife to watch the kids so she could get a hair cut today. Guys, this is basic and very important for us to do. Heather very seldom asks me to help her with anything. So, I was more than excited to watch my babies so that she could get her sassy cut on. After leaving on a "play day" I was all alone at home fielding drama filled calls and pseudo waking up thinking about how to prioritize my week. About midday I got a call from a brother to meet at the coffee shop to discuss some stuff and I was more than willing, since I had already forgotten "the cut". After 4 missed calls and 3 urgent phone messages (from Heather), I finally realized my phone was on silence. Upon realizing my missed assignment I called the women for backups in prayer. "If you don't see me at church on Sunday, send a search party to find my body." I assumed it would be over. Thinking the worst, I thought I could meet Heather at the Salon coming in on my hands and knees, maybe even in a worshiping position. All I could envision was her, a filled salon and my three kids climbing on people. On my way, rehearsing my honest cry for forgiveness, Heather had left me a message about getting an emergency babysitter and meeting me at home and wanting me to hurry and call her because she was worried about me. Pleasantly surprised by her tone, I had new hope that perhaps I would not be dominated as I previously thought. Upon meeting her at her mom's work, she calmly said, "Don't worry baby, you never mess up with stuff like that. With all you've done for me it is no big deal." GRACE. Wow. How valuable it is.......when you need it. I knew I screwed up, I didn't need to hear it again, I confessed it to 3 ladies on the way to the salon, I was sure my lesson was learned. I would patiently take the reproof though, I knew I deserved it. What did I get? Grace. Unmerited favor. That is what God gives us. Make sure you bask in the great Grace of God today- Stu
Saturday, June 26, 2010
God's Family
Friday, June 25, 2010
"Curious circumstance occurred since I came to England ; a party, whose name I have forgotten, but the circumstance was related to me while I was at Birmingham --A Christian man called to see me to relate a fact about himself. He had heard, from time to time, different things about prevailing prayer. He felt, he said, that it was his duty to state the fact to me, to show me how great was the faithfulness of God. It was of so extraordinary a character, involving such a principle, that I have thought of it almost ever since. "Some time back," said the gentleman, "a neighbour of mine lost his wife. When she was ill and nigh unto death, my wife went to nurse her, and staid with her till she breathed her last. After she returned home, I was satisfied that all was not right. Things kept showing themselves continually. Circumstances occurred to show me that all was not right between that man and my wife. I told her what I feared. She confessed her guilt, and not only so, but avowed her determination to quit me, and to live with him, whatever might come of it. 'What do you say?' exclaimed I. I could not say anything more to her; but I went to God, and cried day and night unto him--O God, wilt thou not avenge me of this mine adversary? For two weeks, I scarcely slept at all, but prayed and wept, sometimes in one position and sometimes in another. But for two weeks I gave God no rest, but prayed continually--O God, wilt thou not avenge me of this mine adversary? At the same time, I let my wife understand, that my arms and heart were open to receive her if she would return, and I would forgive her all the past. I kept myself in that position. I wept before God. I prayed, and I cried unto him to avenge me. At the end of the two weeks, she came back heart-broken, confessing her sin, humbling herself, and doing all that I could wish her to do; and she has since been all that I could wish her to be." What a striking case is this! Instead of at once turning her away, he went to God, and said, "O Lord, thou seest that this man hath torn away my very wife from my bosom! O God, avenge me of this mine adversary." If in any one case more than another, a man would feel a disinclination to make a matter the subject of prayer, it would be in such a case as this; yet he did, and prevailed in the extraordinary manner I have described."
Monday, June 21, 2010
The Praying Wife
My beauty queen and the one who more often than not should be credited with all that I have been able to walk and grow as a man of God. The prayers of a wife can make a Godly man stand, an apathetic man revived and a spiritually dead man alive. Pray ladies, the greatest thing you can do for your husband, relationship and family is PRAY FOR YOUR MAN! Check out the prayer model below and print it out and speak it over your husband and life daily!- Stu
I pray for my husband’s priorities to be in perfect order as well. Be Lord and Ruler over his heart. Help him to choose a simplicity of life that will allow him to have time alone with You, Lord, a place to be quiet in Your presence every day. Speak to him about making Your Word, prayer, and praise a priority. Enable him to place me and our children in greater prominence in his heart than career, friends and activities. I pray he will seek You first and submit his all to You, for when he does I know the other pieces of his life will fit together perfectly.
A Wife’s Prayer for Her Husband and Father of Her Children
By: Stormie Omartian
God, I proclaim You Lord over my life. Help me to seek You first every day and set my priorities in perfect order. Reveal to me how to properly put my husband before children, work, family, friends, activities, and interests. Show me what I can do right now to demonstrate to him that he has this position in my heart. Mend the times I have caused him to doubt that. Tell me how to prioritize everything so that whatever steals life away, or has no lasting purpose, will not occupy my time.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Farmers Raise Pigs- Father's Train Children
Clayton (NC) High School graduating senior (my niece, Price). I can't believe little Pricie is done! Now heading to pirateland at East Carolina. Good luck baby girl!
Just coming off of a service at 180 where I preached about Fathers being God's ordained leaders in the home. My heart is constantly grieved as I see so many precious women stranded and left with little or nothing because the men in their lives loose interest, heart or whatever. It is absolutely insane. For some reason, dudes just have this knack for screwing stuff all up. Beautiful kids are left in the wake of the spillage of foolish decisions that men make all the time in countless families. The destructiveness of these decisions I am sure are never fully realized by the men who continue to make them. I argue that most men don't even know their rightful place as LEADERS of the home. They give up and tuck tail and run. It reminds me of the banking system, and the major corporations and even the recent BP oil spill. I haven't watched enough on BP, except to know how foolish their leader looks. At some point, men need to MAN UP. Call it greed, selfishness or whatever, dads are constantly giving up their legacy for a young hottie or a foolish whim of midlife crises. I still am convinced that 70% of them don't even know the eternal impact of these shallow and really impulsive decisions. When I see my precious niece in this picture I see a vulnerable, sweet girl. One who will one day want to happily marry a man who has the ability to LEAD her CONFIDENTLY. I pray for that man. And for Alex and Syd's man.
God help our men get a grip and serve these precious women that we committed to at the Altar for LIFE! To all the women who have been disgraced by weak men- you are truly diamonds, don't you think anything less. To all the men who have walked out- you need a good whippin'? For the men who have walked it all the way out- atta boy- Thanks for setting the example. Happy Father's Day- Stu
Just coming off of a service at 180 where I preached about Fathers being God's ordained leaders in the home. My heart is constantly grieved as I see so many precious women stranded and left with little or nothing because the men in their lives loose interest, heart or whatever. It is absolutely insane. For some reason, dudes just have this knack for screwing stuff all up. Beautiful kids are left in the wake of the spillage of foolish decisions that men make all the time in countless families. The destructiveness of these decisions I am sure are never fully realized by the men who continue to make them. I argue that most men don't even know their rightful place as LEADERS of the home. They give up and tuck tail and run. It reminds me of the banking system, and the major corporations and even the recent BP oil spill. I haven't watched enough on BP, except to know how foolish their leader looks. At some point, men need to MAN UP. Call it greed, selfishness or whatever, dads are constantly giving up their legacy for a young hottie or a foolish whim of midlife crises. I still am convinced that 70% of them don't even know the eternal impact of these shallow and really impulsive decisions. When I see my precious niece in this picture I see a vulnerable, sweet girl. One who will one day want to happily marry a man who has the ability to LEAD her CONFIDENTLY. I pray for that man. And for Alex and Syd's man.
God help our men get a grip and serve these precious women that we committed to at the Altar for LIFE! To all the women who have been disgraced by weak men- you are truly diamonds, don't you think anything less. To all the men who have walked out- you need a good whippin'? For the men who have walked it all the way out- atta boy- Thanks for setting the example. Happy Father's Day- Stu
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Dinasours, Plows and Glory
Don't panic... this is only a fake dinosaur at one of our 200 putt putt's in Myrtle Beach. At least it seems like we have 200. If you look close you can see Alex at the bottom of the rock trying to escape!
Just shared a word Sunday about the scripture in Luke 9:62,
"But Jesus said to him, 'No one, after putting his hand to the plow and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God." This scripture is a harsh one, but in reality I think we all need it, I know I do. It is hard not to observe the struggle in the life of our friends and family and brothers and sisters in the Lord. One thing I have noticed is how some stand firm in their faith through trials and adversities and then on the flip side, many crumble and leave the church frustrated and disappointed at their uncomfortable life situations.
In this scripture, I think it is clear that as soldiers of the cross, we have this great calling, bookended with a promise like none other,
"For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal" (2 Corinthians 4:17-18). The Word of God does not promise a life of luxury and ease as many of today's false prophets proclaim. Oh yes, following God will ENSURE an abundant life. That abundance is wrapped in the promise that no matter what we go through, God is waiting to heal, deliver, fix and transform our lives. That is not that our marriage will be perfect, we won't loose our house, we won't be unfairly misunderstood and ridiculed. I am hungry for believers all around to gear up for that big DAY, when we will see Jesus FACE TO FACE. That day, is our marker. This day we are not promised what we want. God wants to be worshiped. Period. That has nothing to do with circumstances at all. I am re-girding myself today, and hope you will join me, in understanding that as we choose Christ, we have to follow where He leads, not where we want to go so we can be comfortable. The good news? Read Ps. 23 and see where God will ultimately lead us. - Stu
Just shared a word Sunday about the scripture in Luke 9:62,
"But Jesus said to him, 'No one, after putting his hand to the plow and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God." This scripture is a harsh one, but in reality I think we all need it, I know I do. It is hard not to observe the struggle in the life of our friends and family and brothers and sisters in the Lord. One thing I have noticed is how some stand firm in their faith through trials and adversities and then on the flip side, many crumble and leave the church frustrated and disappointed at their uncomfortable life situations.
In this scripture, I think it is clear that as soldiers of the cross, we have this great calling, bookended with a promise like none other,
"For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal" (2 Corinthians 4:17-18). The Word of God does not promise a life of luxury and ease as many of today's false prophets proclaim. Oh yes, following God will ENSURE an abundant life. That abundance is wrapped in the promise that no matter what we go through, God is waiting to heal, deliver, fix and transform our lives. That is not that our marriage will be perfect, we won't loose our house, we won't be unfairly misunderstood and ridiculed. I am hungry for believers all around to gear up for that big DAY, when we will see Jesus FACE TO FACE. That day, is our marker. This day we are not promised what we want. God wants to be worshiped. Period. That has nothing to do with circumstances at all. I am re-girding myself today, and hope you will join me, in understanding that as we choose Christ, we have to follow where He leads, not where we want to go so we can be comfortable. The good news? Read Ps. 23 and see where God will ultimately lead us. - Stu
Monday, June 14, 2010
Heart Matters
A True Laker's Girl! Alex and her bball get up, from about 5 months ago. The girl can ball ya'll. Just getting back from a graduation service and was blessed to see the first of the sibling kids graduate. Wow. That makes me a little bit aged, doesn't it?
So, my weekend was highlighted by a pig-pickin, family talks and grad services and such. Also 4 hours on customer service trying to get my cell phone to work. Oh my goodness. Just a week before I preached on anger in the heart being the same as murder, and I felt all good about the message until the customer service workers permanently disconnected my telephone number of 6 years altogether. I think I killed a lot of people with my spewing frustration. Hmmmm, lets just say that I failed about 7 humility tests. The church at 180 would not be so forgiving if they saw me in action like Heather, just say a lot (12) customer service agents had more than an earful from me. In all my condescension, I realized after 4 hours of strong-arming that I simply wasn't going to win and I was stealing time from my family. I got a revelation to go to Wal-mart and ask for a refund (which they gave) minus the $45 activation minutes. All in all I lost. I lost in anger, meanness, money and stolen time (oh, and my cell phone number). I am reminded to live what I preach and do it when it is inconvenient. It is true that when we get squeezed what comes out is who we are and let me tell you, I am not impressed with what I saw this weekend in my own self. With all that said, I spent the day today seeking the face of Jesus. Realizing that cell phones don't matter and truly He is sovereign over this stupid debacle as well. My peace has been restored, and I only wish I could go to Mexico and personally apologize to the customer service agents (sincerely). We cannot have tomorrow back, but we can see what is ugly about ourselves and give it to Jesus to replace. May God continue to work in us a true spirit of gentleness and humility, patience and a bigger view of reality than our sim card. Pray for a brother! Oh, and maybe God will grant me the same number by His mercy.... if not, just know if suzy picks up, my number has changed. - Stuart
So, my weekend was highlighted by a pig-pickin, family talks and grad services and such. Also 4 hours on customer service trying to get my cell phone to work. Oh my goodness. Just a week before I preached on anger in the heart being the same as murder, and I felt all good about the message until the customer service workers permanently disconnected my telephone number of 6 years altogether. I think I killed a lot of people with my spewing frustration. Hmmmm, lets just say that I failed about 7 humility tests. The church at 180 would not be so forgiving if they saw me in action like Heather, just say a lot (12) customer service agents had more than an earful from me. In all my condescension, I realized after 4 hours of strong-arming that I simply wasn't going to win and I was stealing time from my family. I got a revelation to go to Wal-mart and ask for a refund (which they gave) minus the $45 activation minutes. All in all I lost. I lost in anger, meanness, money and stolen time (oh, and my cell phone number). I am reminded to live what I preach and do it when it is inconvenient. It is true that when we get squeezed what comes out is who we are and let me tell you, I am not impressed with what I saw this weekend in my own self. With all that said, I spent the day today seeking the face of Jesus. Realizing that cell phones don't matter and truly He is sovereign over this stupid debacle as well. My peace has been restored, and I only wish I could go to Mexico and personally apologize to the customer service agents (sincerely). We cannot have tomorrow back, but we can see what is ugly about ourselves and give it to Jesus to replace. May God continue to work in us a true spirit of gentleness and humility, patience and a bigger view of reality than our sim card. Pray for a brother! Oh, and maybe God will grant me the same number by His mercy.... if not, just know if suzy picks up, my number has changed. - Stuart
Thursday, June 10, 2010
New Ground
We are heading to Charleston, SC for a follow up exam for Heather today. Pretty much taking up the whole day. Looking forward to having lunch down there with good friends who have moved down. Today, I have a lot of thanks for life and being right where we are. In the church we have been hearing time and again the concept of harvest. We have been hearing "Harvest." It is hard to believe that we are at this place because for 5 years we have truly been planting and making rows, turning the ground over, and pulling weeds, watering and fertilizing. At times there has been so much concern about if the harvest would ever come. There are so many signs now that the harvest is here. Small relationships with new people who truly need Jesus and are open to the gospel. Friends bringing friends to community groups where the gospel is shared and love is the rule. People who are seasoned in the Lord and ready to serve in ministry are being drawn to fellowship and serve with us. To be honest, I have to pinch myself because at times it often feels like we would be tilling ground alone, but the truth is that there is always a reward for consistent, labor. I am thankful for a new season, new development and with that new challenges. Thank you all for remembering us in prayer for Heather's health, our new church facility and the leadership needed to lead God's people in the day's ahead in Myrtle Beach.- I so thank each of you for partnering with us in prayer.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Green 'Maters
This picture is Tony Martin and yours truly. We are taking a break from Brazilian Buffet in dtown Myrtle. Big, big mistake: Me and Tony eating buffet! Started the day in prayer today with the saints down at the church in Myrtle Beach. It was great. 8 of us just going to the Father and praying the strength of God for all of the weak ones, encouragement for the battle wearied, prayed for Caitlin over in Kenya, prayed for the worship team and all the transition, prayed for the harvest and for many needs in the lives of the people. I just know that God was right up in the mix, listening and dispatching angels to do a work from the spiritual realm into the natural. This week, we have really felt the keeping prayers of the saints in our lives. We received a note from Georgetown Hospital Systems that we qualified for a full scholarship of our medical bills of over $27,000. Our side bills are probably around $8,000 now, but what a relief! We also received enough funds to go and see our little niece in Clayton, NC graduate from H.S. and head to Charleston for some follow up exams for Heather (post surgery). We continue to be blessed to watch God work and provide a little at a time. I feel like a tomato plant! We have been watching those 'maters getting big, but they are green. They have been green for WEEKS. But today, I got the first orange one! That speaks to me that if we will just hold on, in due time we will get what we need. Galatians 6:9 says, "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." I feel like the "Proper Time" is coming for the Royall's and the church at 180. Continue to pray and stand with us for the next level in establishing. One thing for sure, the Gospel of our Lord Jesus is going forward, the blind eyes are being opened, and the broken are restored with the hope of abundant life. Pray for us and 180! Love ya'll
Monday, June 7, 2010
180-Movie Slide Show
Click on the picture and check out a few pictures of the church at 180 (after edits, I was not able to download the movie...sorry I will try to work on it!) They are not the best pictures, but with the music and all it was fun to just share with each of you some of the people in my life that I have the opportunity to walk with in Christ. We are definitely a rag tag bunch pressing in to know and follow Jesus more and more. I am thankful to have a community around me that is so amazing and loving. Last night we had the opportunity to have communion together and welcome 5 new people in the church. Danny, Jennifer, Michael, John and Dave. I am amazed that we started this church with 5 people 5 years ago and this week we were bringing in 5 who are committed to CO-Laboring to reach the lost, support their community group and focus on becoming and making disciples of Jesus Christ through a committed process of Bible study and life on life relationship with another believer that they will meet with weekly to discuss their findings in the Word and pray together. Keep these new members to 180 in prayer. I hope each of you has a blessed and prosperous week. Although it is only Monday, I am so filled up with gratitude as I think how God has put me in such an awesome family.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Heating Up Baby
Thanking God today for a major blessing. With Heather down a bit from surgery, I have been shouldering the load (pun intended) of the laundry ministry in our house. The laborers are few in this category, and not only that, the dryer recently went kaput. So what did ol stu think up? Putting up a line from tree to tree in the back yard. Heather was a bit embarrassed, but it was either $6 for a line or $200 for a service call. 2 weeks of having clothes on the line (only to get rained on 3 x) in a two week period is enough to make a brother ready for some help. I am almost positive this was a biblical truth I have been walking out, truly the Lord is chastising me for all the times I complained about Heather not having my draws clean or my shirt ready. If we reap what we sow (and surely we do), when it has been my up at laundry, sure as the world, the ol dryer kicks a stroke on a brother. Grandma Royall would be proud of my old school clothesline, but just yesterday, the Lord intervened. We had close family friends purchase for us a scratch and dent model (dryer)on the back of their truck (and there were no scratches and dents!) So far 8 loads and a couch full of dry clothes. Trying to convince Heather that sitting and folding is a good rehab exercise, but I think she is absolutely not buying it seeing as she left me home for a Bible study meeting! Sheesh, are you kidding me. In all seriousness, I am so grateful for the mercy of the Lord, caring of friends and love from my brothers and sisters in the Lord. Where would we be without the Lord? Oh yeah, He understands too, He is in the laundry business.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Little Man Big Mountain
Look at this picture of little JJ Royall in Montana years ago. I am inspired to just keep reaching out to you all in this season. I thought I would post once a week but I am 3 days for 3 days. This pictures reminds me of the limitless strength of God (the mountains) and the most tender and vulnerable and intricate details of God (in my son). They kind of contrast a bit...not only that, but my son no longer looks anything like that. Today is his last day of 3rd grade (Alex 2nd). They are so big. JJ takes up the whole bed with his big feet. As I send this out today, I am reminded of God's great love and ability to stand the test of time and grow something out of love. Thanks Steve for the call today, and Joe for the post. I know how impossible many things are each day more and more and I am reminded by each of you that "with man things are impossible, but with God ALL THINGS are possible- to them that believe." Thank you for your prayers and your relationship with us... continue to press into the Lord's love and limitless strength today.- Stuart
Optimistic In The Press!
Heather just went through a pretty big surgery about 5 weeks ago. Many prayers have gone up. We just got the bill for over $27,000. Small detail, we don't have health insurance either. We just received a letter stating that we have a good chance of being sponsored for the entire deal. Please pray for this key breakthrough. One of the biggest challenges we have faced in stepping away from the landscaping business and full time in ministry is intense financial pressure to cave at every turn. Yet the Lord continues to supply our every need. It is not always in dollar form, but it always comes. Even today a dear friend sent us a target gift card and the kids all were able to get some new "summer" shoes. In the midst of struggle, we are finding ourselves RICH in the Lord. The Bible reminds us that no good thing will the Lord withold from those who walk upright.... God is true and faithful. When evil men prosper, we don't get jealous, but praise God because we will always be taken care of well by Father God. See Heather in the picture and remember to pray for her, our financial picture and her follow up exam in Charleston next Thursday. Thanks for prayers gang.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Royall's Update
It has been a very long time since sending out any information, and just wanted to keep you all up to date. June has the family ready for school out. Jeremiah, Alex and Sydney are all ready for more of the beach and Heather is for sure ready for that too. At 180, we are gearing up for some major transition. The church is moving out of our current facility at Fresh Brewed Coffee Shop and we are looking around for our next spot in Myrtle Beach.
Please be praying for the leading of the Lord as we stretch ourselves to reach the lost and train up the church while engaging in dynamic community of loving Jesus freaks! Just wanted to update you all, and send a few pics out for my homies. Keep us in prayer and let me hear from you all.
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