It has been a good long while since putting out a post. Busy, challenged, overwhelmed or whatever, it is good to process some stuff. In an overwhelming time personally right now. So much resistance in the reality of life. Don't get me wrong, not in a bad way but in a good one. Been learning alot about depending on God. Running out of what I can do. Knowing that God brought me to a place where He wants me to be and all I can do is wait. The Lord is amazing and teaching me about learning how to TOTALLY TRUST HIM. Here is a great excerpt from the book: Praying Successfully from the Preacher of Preachers, Charles Spurgeon,
"God Himself cannot deliver a person who is not in trouble. Therefore, it is to some advantage to be in distress, because God can then deliver you. Even Jesus Christ the Healer of men, cannot heal a person who is not sick. Therefore, sickness is not an adversity for us, but rather an advantageous opportunity for Christ to heal us....I have sometimes wished that very comfortable Christians, who seem to treat religion as if it were a bed of roses, could have just a little time of "roughing it" and really come into actual difficulties. A life of ease breeds hosts of falsehoods and pretenses which would soon vanish in the presence of matter-of-fact trials. Many a man has been converted to God by hunger, weariness, and lonelines, who, when he was a wealthy man, surrounded by frivolous flatterers never thought of God at all. Many a man on board a ship out on the ocean has learned to pray in the cold chill of an iceberg, or in the horrors of a tidal wave out of which the ship could not rise. When the mast has gone by the board and every timber has been strained and the ship has seemed doomed, then hearts have begun to pray in sincerity. God loves sincerity. When we mean it; when the soul melts in prayer; when we say, 'I must have it or be lost'; when it is no sham, no vain performance but a real heartbreaking, agonizing cry, then God accepts it. That is why He says, "Call upon me in the day of trouble." Such a cry is the kind of worship that He cares for, because there is sincerity in it, and this is acceptable with the God of truth." p55.