I have been blessed to be a part of a church. It is messy business the church. Many look at the church and call it a bunch of hypocritical people. Some stare at the church from a distance and say that they don't want to engage in all the religious hoopla. Coming out of this Easter season, all I can think about is how Jesus resurrected from the dead. How over 500 people eyewitnessed His back up from the dead. There are so many arguments about how the disciples must have been like all the other religious crazies like David Koresh, Jim Jones or Stargate (?). Many Muslims will die for 72 eternal virgins to join them in their personal "harem". Kamikaze pilots die for the national cause as do soldiers in our own troops. I remember the images across the world magazines of the student protest in Tienanmen square. So why do I mention this? It is one thing to die for a cause or a reason,but it is another thing to die for a lie. If the disciples did not see Jesus raise from the dead, why would they be crucified, burned, eaten by lions and isolated on islands with no life to live? Why would they die for a lie? They wouldn't. I see clearer and clearer now that it takes more conjuring up of hope that Jesus did not raise than that He did! But you see, Peter the chief apostle was scared for his life, and so he denied Jesus and that he had any affiliation with Him not once, twice, but 3 times. All of the disciples scattered and at Christ's resurrection we see that He had to come into the room where they were all locked in for "fear of the Jews." Jesus had to come back and gather His scattered saints. A bunch of scardy-cats and fearful self preserving bunch they were. Only in a few weeks would they take the world by storm by raising the dead, healing the sick and freeing bondaged and demon possessed hopeless hordes of peoples. What made the difference in these men and women? Glory! Can you see, the early apostles, the gospel writers were not writing fables, not myths, or hopeful legends. They wrote EYEWITNESS ACCOUNTS that were confirmed by many...even Roman soldiers, Jewish Religious leaders (radical conversion as they lost all position and power), and common citizens! The resurrection is what Christianity is all about. As Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 15
13 But if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ is not risen.14 And if Christ is not risen, then our preaching is empty and your faith is also empty.15 Yes, and we are found false witnesses of God, because we have testified of God that He raised up Christ, whom He did not raise up --- if in fact the dead do not rise.16 For if the dead do not rise, then Christ is not risen.17 And if Christ is not risen, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins!
So what I am just stoked about this season...is that truly JESUS IS RISEN. HE IS ALIVE. We are not just some moral bunch of believers of a man who died on a tree. If Jesus died on the tree and didn't rise, WE ARE WORSHIPING IN VAIN!!!! So then, call us fools if you will for believing. I know that Jesus is arisen... and I thank my God that my sins (being many) are forgiven! And they are forgiven because He is alive. Thank you God for raising from the dead and kicking sin and hell to the curb. There is no sting in death now, (who cares about it! Bring it on! To be with Jesus is better!!!!) and hell....where is your victory? HA! Our Lord Jesus has rescued us from condemnation, shame and the grave. Today, let the revelation of the resurrection bring you hope!