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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Why the Resurrection of Christ Matters!

I have been blessed to be a part of a church.  It is messy business the church.  Many look at the church and call it a bunch of hypocritical people.  Some stare at the church from a distance and say that they don't want to engage in all the religious hoopla.  Coming out of this Easter season, all I can think about is how Jesus resurrected from the dead.  How over 500 people eyewitnessed His back up from the dead. There are so many arguments about how the disciples must have been like all the other religious crazies like David Koresh, Jim Jones or Stargate (?).  Many Muslims will die for 72 eternal virgins to join them in their personal "harem". Kamikaze pilots die for the national cause as do soldiers in our own troops.  I remember the images across the world magazines of the student protest in Tienanmen square. So why do I mention this?  It is one thing to die for a cause or a reason,but it is another thing to die for a lie.  If the disciples did not see Jesus raise from the dead, why would they be crucified, burned, eaten by lions and isolated on islands with no life to live?  Why would they die for a lie?  They wouldn't.  I see clearer and clearer now that it takes more conjuring up of hope that Jesus did not raise than that He did!  But you see, Peter the chief apostle was scared for his life, and so he denied Jesus and that he had any affiliation with Him not once, twice, but 3 times.  All of the disciples scattered and at Christ's resurrection we see that He had to come into the room where they were all locked in for "fear of the Jews."  Jesus had to come back and gather His scattered saints.  A bunch of scardy-cats and fearful self preserving bunch they were.  Only in a few weeks would they take the world by storm by raising the dead, healing the sick and freeing bondaged and demon possessed hopeless hordes of peoples.  What made the difference in these men and women?  Glory!  Can you see, the early apostles, the gospel writers were not writing fables, not myths, or hopeful legends.  They wrote EYEWITNESS ACCOUNTS that were confirmed by many...even Roman soldiers, Jewish Religious leaders (radical conversion as they lost all position and power), and common citizens!  The resurrection is what Christianity is all about.  As Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 15

13 But if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ is not risen.14 And if Christ is not risen, then our preaching is empty and your faith is also empty.15 Yes, and we are found false witnesses of God, because we have testified of God that He raised up Christ, whom He did not raise up --- if in fact the dead do not rise.16 For if the dead do not rise, then Christ is not risen.17 And if Christ is not risen, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins!

So what I am just stoked about this season...is that truly JESUS IS RISEN.  HE IS ALIVE.  We are not just some moral bunch of believers of a man who died on a tree.  If Jesus died on the tree and didn't rise, WE ARE WORSHIPING IN VAIN!!!!  So then, call us fools if you will for believing.  I know that Jesus is arisen... and I thank my God that my sins (being many) are forgiven!  And they are forgiven because He is alive.  Thank you God for raising from the dead and kicking sin and hell to the curb.  There is no sting in death now, (who cares about it!  Bring it on!  To be with Jesus is better!!!!) and hell....where is your victory?  HA! Our Lord Jesus has rescued us from condemnation, shame and the grave.  Today, let the revelation of the resurrection bring you hope!


Friday, April 15, 2011

Leading Others....Bibically-

"Shepherds are willing to bear the pain and endure the brunt of the sheep for the sheep.  True elders do not command the consciences of their brethren but appeal to their brethren to faithfully follow God's Word.  Out of love, true elders suffer and bear the brunt of difficult people and problems so that the lambs are not bruised.  The elders bear the misunderstandings and sins of other people so that the assembly may rest.  They make great personal sacrifices of time and energy for the welfare of others.  They see themselves as men under authority.  They depend on God for wisdom and help, not on their own power and cleverness.  They face the false teachers' fierce attacks.  They guard the community's liberty and freedom in Christ so that the saints are encouraged to develop their gifts, to mature, and to serve one another." (Alexander Strauch- Biblical Eldership: An Urgent Call to Restore Biblical Church Leadership)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Passion Week Comin....What Has Jesus Done????

As we prepare this Sunday for Palm Sunday, I was talking to my wife how often the Passion Week sneaks up on us and we are not really ready for it like Christmas season.  It is so, so important to see what Christ has done for us and how He went to the cross and resurrected from the dead, and then sent the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us into all truth.  Too often, my wife says, does this season sneak up on her and she misses the whole richness of the season.  I have copied an excerpt from John MacArthur's Bible Commentary on the Passion Week for you to help  your heart preparation for the season this year.  If I could say one last thing today, just remember that in this point of the week, Tuesday night, Jesus would just be a few days from entering Jerusalem on the back of a colt.... and from there the Passion week would begin.  As Jesus says, it would be "His hour", or the "appointed time."  Enjoy this week before Sunday by reading the Gospel of John in Chapters 15-16 and see how Christ prepares the hearts of His disciples by some awesome last minute teaching before His last hour.  See in Chapter 17 this week how He prays that knowing the Father is glorified, it is now time for Him to be glorified, then finally, those that believe.  See how Jesus knowing His earthly ministry is about done, goes about washing feet, telling what will happen, assuring His followers of His great love for them and asking the Father to keep those who were "given to Him."  I pray this guide will be helpful for your heart prep, much as Jesus took great care to prepare His followers before this mighty week occurred 2000 years ago.  Looking forward to an awesome Palm Sunday, and hoping that the Lord will reveal the riches of His grace and love, especially expressed through the Scriptures of the week of extreme passion that Christ poured out Himself for us all.- Stu

 Passion Week- Sunday to Sunday Biblical Reference
Sunday      The triumphal entry into Jerusalem                    Mark 11:1-11
Monday     Cleanses the temple in Jerusalem                       Mark 11:15-19
Tuesday     The Sanhedrin Challenges Jesus’ authority        Luke 20:1-8
                          Jesus foretells the destruction of Jerusalem
                                and His second coming                                   Matt. 24:25
                          Mary anoints Jesus at Bethany                            John 12:2-8
Wednesday Judas bargains wit the Jewish rulers to
betray Jesus                                                          Luke 22:3-6
Thursday   Jesus eats the Passover meal with His                 John 13:1-30
                               disciples and institutes the
  Memorial Supper                                                Mark 14:22-26
                        Prays in Gethsemane for His disciples                    John 17
Friday           His betrayal and arrest in the Garden of
Gethsemane                                                          Mark 14:43-50
                        Jesus questioned by Annas, the former
                              high priest                                                            John 18:15-27
                        Condemned by Caiaphas, and the Sanhedrin      Mark 14:53
                        Peter denies Jesus three times                               John 18:15-27
                        Jesus is formally condemned by the Sanhedrin   Luke 22:66-71
                        Judas commits suicide                                              Matt. 27:3-10
                        The trial of Jesus before Pilate                                Luke 23:1-5
                        Jesus’ appearance before Herod Antipas              Luke 23:6-12
                        Formally sentenced to death by Pilate                  Luke 23:13-25
                        Jesus is mocked and crucified between
                               two thieves                                                          Mark 15:16-27
                        The veil of the temple is torn as Jesus dies           Matthew 27:51-56
                        His burial in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea     John 19:31-42
Saturday        The women rested on the Sabbath                        Luke 23:56
Sunday       Jesus is raised from the dead                                  Luke 24:1-9

Monday, April 11, 2011

What Kinda Church We Is?

Reading a magazine article from Neue Magazine.  Francis Chan, renowned contemporary Christian author was interviewed about resigning from his mega church.  Chan lends some great thought about the transition away from the "Big Church"....

Chan Writes:

"Over the years as I studied the Bible more, I saw so much that we were missing." Chan says, "With the elders as well, we sat down and realized, 'where did we get this idea that the goal of the church was to fill a room just to hear the word of God and sing worship songs to Him?'  There's so much more in Scripture.  So as we saw those things, whether it was caring for the poor, reaching the lost, loving one another- pretty major themes- we realized, 'Wow, we've neglected a lot of those things.'  As Chan and the elders of Cornerstone Church encouraged their community to get involved in their neighborhoods and take discipleship more seriously, Chan became frustrated by the lack of commitment he witnessed."

I can give a strong message and people will not their heads and its like, 'ok, cool, he gave a tough message.'  But in the confines of the local church, when I'm with these people day in and day out, I'm like: 'Wait, you haven't applied that message.  Let's come up with ways in which you have to do it and not skirt around it.'  Well, that really bothers people."  Chan says.  "And pretty soon they're like, 'You know what, never mind, quit pushing me; I'm going to go to another church,...'i guess I didn't realize how hard it was going to be to be rejected by people who've been in the church for 10 years or more, and it's pretty painful."

Chan's dissatisfaction with church extends beyond his experiences; when he starts talking about his vision for a new kind of church community, the usually eloquent Chan gushes.

"I'd love to just be in a room with some people who really believed and had absolute faith in their prayers....who just wanted to obey the Scriptures and share their faith with whomever and disciple and just get in a group and pray like crazy, and go and talk about how God moved in our lives throughout the week, share Scriptures, and those type of things.  And that looks so different from your typical church service.  I think more and more people are hungering for the same thing I am.  As I read the Scriptures and feel led by the Spirit in a certain direction, it seems like other people are having that same restlessness."


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Guest Writer Jaimie Baskin: Army Crawlin It!

Have you ever felt that at any moment “the bottom’s gonna drop out”. This vague feeling that someone is gonna snatch the cornerstone of your house of cards. Silent...pressing...heaviness.... Its been hanging in the air all around me. Usually I write it off but not this time this was different. A sensing from the Holy Spirit...”stay low and keep quiet” Feeling like just being on the ground wasn’t low enough. If I could have dug a hole and gotten under the ground I would’ve done it, believe me. Anything to shake it. As my day was whisking by full of meetings, deadlines and everyday errands, I found myself asking “What is this?”

Ditching the gym I pressed in. I opened my bible to Jeremiah 17 and just started reading and there it was. Jumping off the page, vs. 5 hit me like a slap from my momma.

“Thus says the Lord: CURSED is the strong man who trusts in and relies on frail man, making weak (human) flesh his arm, and whose mind and heart turn aside from the Lord. For he shall be like a shrub or a person naked and destitute in the desert;and he shall not see ANY good come, but shall dwell in the parched places in the wilderness, in an uninhabited salt land. Blessed us the man who believes in, trusts in, and relies on the Lord, and whose hope and confidence the Lord is.”

The pressure of being a busy mom, head of household or whatever your life entails can silently..slowly... have you putting your trust in ....well ...YOU! The “make it happen” anointing”. That heaviness is from the Lord, the feeling of living under a curse. And as you take off that mantle and give it to Christ going low with repentance you feel it start to lift. NEWS FLASH We can’t do it! “Apart from HIM we can do NOTHING” Isn’t it relieving to know He has to do it!

Monday, April 4, 2011


Finished Sunday Talk with 180-Degrees this Sunday.  The Talk centered around the need for much grace not only from God, but from one another.  I just received this email from my good friend Caleb Oswago, pastor of  Salem International Church, Nairobi, Kenya.  Very good help to for practical wisdom in helping others through their messes with MUCH GRACE!!!

What would you do if a friend or your spouse or your child confessed to you that he was really struggling with drinking alcohol to the point of drunkenness? Or looking at pornography? Or extreme anger?
Let me give you a few suggestions of what to do and not to do…

Do Respond Humbly
Confessing sin to another person is one of the most humbling, unpleasant experiences out there. When a person confesses sin to you, respond with humble gratitude. Thank them for coming to you and encourage them for the humility that they have demonstrated. Remind them that God gives grace to the humble, and that God is eager to give them grace. Help them see that God is for them and eager to help them.
Do Identify With Their Struggle
If possible, identify with the sin that has been confessed. You may not have struggled in exactly the same way, but it’s a good bet that you’ve struggled in a similar way. I don’t struggle with drunkenness, but I certainly can relate to the battle for self-control and the desire to escape from my problems. When someone shares their struggles with you, tell them how you have struggled and how you can relate to their temptation. Also, tell them how God has helped you in the midst of your struggle. It’s just helpful to know that we don’t struggle alone.  Most importantly, remind them that Christ was tempted in every way as we are which makes him the perfect one to help us in the midst of temptation.
Don’t Act Shocked
When someone confesses sin to you, don’t act shocked or surprised. Don’t shake your head in disbelief or make your eyes go wide. Don’t say, “I just can’t believe that you would do something like that.” We are sinners and our friends are sinners, and we should expect each other to act like sinners. That doesn’t mean we encourage sin. It does mean that we shouldn’t be stunned when someone tells us that they are struggling with sin. Plus, when we act shocked at sin, it discourages our friends from confessing sin in the future.
Don’t Blow It Off
If your friend or spouse or fellow church member confesses their sin to you, it means that God is at work in them. The Holy Spirit is convicting them of their sin and their need for help from others. In light of this, when they bring their sin to light, don’t just say, “Hey man, it’s no big deal. Everyone struggles with that kind of stuff.” Instead, go a little bit deeper. Find out the particulars of the struggle and ask how you can best serve them. Even pray for them right in the moment.
Do Follow Up Later
If possible, follow up with your friend at a later date. Ask them how they are doing in the area of sin that they confessed. Don’t wait for them to come to you, because it might not happen. As a godly friend, go after them.
Do Remember the Gospel
After a confession it is crucial that we remind our friend, spouse, or child of the gospel. The gospel is what gives them hope for forgiveness and for change. We don’t just want to supply people with strategies for being morally better people. We want to connect them to the power of God. The gospel is what breaks the power of canceled sin, and we need to remind people of the gospel on a regular basis. That’s our only hope for change.