At 180, we are in the 9th week of studying about what the scripture has to say about the Holy Spirit. This past Sunday we discussed the gifts of the Holy Spirit as discussed in 1 Corinthians 12. There are 9 gifts that are freely given to people in the church. The Holy Spirit gives the gifts to those that eagerly desire them. Many in Christendom do not believe that "the gifts of God are for today." Many feel that they were for the "apostolic/1st Century church period." It grieves me more and more that as I continue on in my faith walk with Jesus, that many people walk away from the body of Christ because it is so anemic. Divorce rates, anger, worldliness etc.... In other words, there is no difference in the church than the world.
The Holy Spirit breathes life into church. He desires to encourage us through the manifestation of the gifts of His Spirit. I list these gifts below:
a. Word of Wisdom
b. Word of Knowledge
c. Faith
d. Gifts of Healing
e. Working of Miracles
f. Prophecy
g. Discerning of Spirits
h. Differing Tongues
i. Interpretation of Tongues
i. Interpretation of Tongues
J. Rodman Williams adds:
“The Church cannot be fully or freely the church without the presence and operation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.” Systematic Theology 327
“A physical body with only certain members functioning is handicapped, even more so a spiritual body; a body of believers.” Systematic Theology 340
It is essential for the church to experience the PRESENCE of the Holy Spirit and OPERATE in His gifts that He wants to give. If we are not open to that or walking in this, than for sure we are handicapped. Gifts expression is not readily visible in the American church today mainly because the service or format for worship does not allow. Small groups of committed and faithful Christians should not be frustrated by this, but should experience full and meaningful gifts expression through small group gatherings. The key here is not just Bible Study, not just prayer meeting, but to meet EXPECTING the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. There is a lot to say about that...but that is a nugget for today.
Praying for the body of Christ to not be crippled!- Stu
It is essential for the church to experience the PRESENCE of the Holy Spirit and OPERATE in His gifts that He wants to give. If we are not open to that or walking in this, than for sure we are handicapped. Gifts expression is not readily visible in the American church today mainly because the service or format for worship does not allow. Small groups of committed and faithful Christians should not be frustrated by this, but should experience full and meaningful gifts expression through small group gatherings. The key here is not just Bible Study, not just prayer meeting, but to meet EXPECTING the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. There is a lot to say about that...but that is a nugget for today.
Praying for the body of Christ to not be crippled!- Stu