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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Blacksburg Weekend

This weekend my family will all be heading to Va. Tech, Blacksburg, VA.  I have the high honor to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to a campus fellowship and I can hardly contain my excitement as I expectantly look forward to a move of God!

Following the Friday fellowship, we have an opportunity to attend the Va Tech v. Appalachian State University season opener.  This a grudge match between my wife and my alma mater's!

As we look forward to a great time in the Lord, we recognize we need the saints prayers in a real way.  As I sent out an email soliciting prayer for the upcoming weekend college fellowship event I received this portion of prayer from a dear saint in our 180 church.  It is taken out of a larger context but here is what it says,

"I pray you fill Stuart's mouth with your words for these people. That your love for them is shown even in the short 30 mins. That the would hear your word and receive it. God, if thru u stuart could reach such a broken, tore up, rebellious soul like mine than he can reach a million. Thank u God for this opportunity. Thank you for your goodness, for your mercy, and compassion on us."

Ok...so as tears rolled down my eyes, I start to think of how the glorious gospel is POWER to those who believe.  God thank you for all the impact You have made in our lives!  You are truly glorious!



Sunday, August 21, 2011

Haiti Mission Team : Weekly Prayer Focus

Prayer request from Caitlin regarding the Haiti mission team....please remember them in prayer.

1) Leah and my dad will be getting on motorcycles at 4 am on Monday to go get a flight. Please pray for their safety in that right and for logistics.
2) Rick and Leah will be getting to Port au Prince on Monday, Tuesday they will be going to look at land, and on Wednesday they will be going into Cite Soleil. Please be praying that the Lord's plans would prevail. They will be starting Camp Hope in Cite Soleil and they will be painting a bunch with a crew of guys. Pray for the Holy Spirit to really lead and direct since they will be without me.
3) Pray for supernatural strength for my sister in that she is going on week 4 in Haiti, which is crazy amount of energy.
4) Pray for divine time with Rick, Leah and Robinson in regards to just relating, praying, sharing with one another about vision, specifically in regards to the home for street boys. 


Sweet Aroma

From our Worship Director Kelly Edwards on our being postured for worship of the King Jesus, 

"I am working my way through a little study guide on worship, written by the same author who wrote our discipleship book series.  In it he says "worship is expressing by LIFE and WORD the worth of God our Maker... worship is my spirit communing with His Spirit."  And as I read through the Psalms this last week I came to Psalm 63 which describes this means to me so beautifully... "

1 O God, you are my God,     earnestly I seek you; 
my soul thirsts for you, 

   my body longs for you, 
in a dry and weary land 

   where there is no water.
 2 I have seen you in the sanctuary
   and beheld your power and your glory.
3 Because your love is better than life,
   my lips will glorify you.
4 I will praise you as long as I live,
   and in your name I will lift up my hands.
5 My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods;
   with singing lips my mouth will praise you.

 6 On my bed I remember you;
   I think of you through the watches of the night.
7 Because you are my help,
   I sing in the shadow of your wings.
8 My soul clings to you;
   your right hand upholds me.

"And as I read this during our worship service this week, it made me just start to weep as I spoke the words because this intensity is what God wants from us and longs for.  He wants us to thirst for Him.  He wants us to be satisfied with him as with rich foods.  He wants our souls to cling to Him.  But do we really give Him all that we are?  That is my prayer for our body in this season is to break through to a worship that is this intimate and beautiful. "

Sweet Incense- Stuart 

Thursday, August 18, 2011

He Wants It All Today!

The picture is the only thing I could think of for today's post.  It is a totally empty peanut butter jar.  I was listening to a song last night.  Once every 3 months I will come across a song that is worthy to be purchased.  I bought it and as I think about the lyrics, the more and more I am stirred to be like this peanut butter jar for Jesus.  See the lyrics below and be challenged by the message:  Also, I encourage if you like a smooth ballady, r & b, soulful, contemporary Jesus freak song, you will love worshiping Him with this as a backdrop!

He Wants It All-  Forever Jones

There's a voice that cries out in the silence,
searching for  heart that will love Him,
longing for child that will give Him their all,
give it all, He wants it all...........

And there's a God that walks over the earth,
He's searching for heart that is desperate,
And longing for child that will give Him their all,
give it all, He wants it all

And He says, love Me, love Me with your whole heart
He wants it all today
serve Me, serve Me with your life now
He wants it all today
bow down, let go of your idols
He wants it all today, He wants it all today, He wants it all today
He wants it all

And there's a God that walks over the earth,
He's searching for heart that is desperate,
longing for child that will give Him their all,
give it all, He wants it all

And He says, love me, love Me with your whole heart
He wants it all today
serve Me, serve Me with your life now
He wants it all today
bow down, let go of your idols

He wants it all today, He wants it all today, He wants it all today
He wants it all

all of you, more of you, He wants it all today
all of you, more of you, He wants it all today

all of you, more of you, He wants it all today
He wants it all today, He wants it all today

so give it all

There's a voice that cries out in the silence,
searching for a heart that will love him,
longing for a child that will give him their all,
give it all

He wants it all


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Growing Churches means Growing People- Takes Time :)

Thanks Kelly- for the email you sent:

I'm reading the "Radical" book again b/c its so good I know i didn't absorb it all...  i love this quote about how God has called each and every one of us to live out the great commission and make disciples. 

" the more I read the gospels, the more I marvel at the simple genius of what Jesus was doing with his disciples.  My mind tends to wander toward grandiose dreams and intricate strategies and I'm struck when I see Jesus simply intentionally, systematically, patiently, walking alongside twelve men.  Jesus reminds me that disciples are not mass-produced.  Disciples of Jesus - genuine, committed, self-sacrificing followers of Christ- are not made overnight.

Making disciples is not an easy process.  It is trying. It is messy.  It is slow, tedious, even painful at times.  it is all these things b/c it is relational.  Jesus has not given us an effortless step-by-step formula for impacting nations for his glory.  He has given us people, and he has said, "live for them.  love them, serve them, and lead them.  Lead them to follow me, and lead them to lead others to follow me.  In the process you will multiply the gospel to the ends of the earth"

Hoop Day It Is....can somebody say, 'no shortcuts?'

Friday, August 5, 2011

Haiti Mission Team On The Ground

Pictured here is 180-degrees mission in Haiti.  Leah Beidler is pictured drawing a bible study in te native Creole tongue....

The trip this month was greatly altered when Leah's sister was not able to go on the expected visit for the first 3 weeks.  With Caitlin not present, much alteration has to be made.  Please pray for Leah, that she would be bold, filled with love and the POWER OF THE SPIRIT.  

If you would like to follow Leah's progress you can do that by clicking the link for the Haiti mission team: www.camphopehaiti.blogspot.com.  Please pray that the tropical storm would not impact the mission trip as well.  

GO HARD FOR JESUS LEAH....we got your back in prayers!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Victory over Depression

One of the biggest threats to the church in this hour is distraction.  I have written a good friend that Satan is not threatened by the church, Bible reading or even humanitarian helps ministry.  Satan trembles when God's people begin to get set free from the lies that are implanted and ingrained in the thoughts of believers that say:  "Jesus is not enough.... I will always be powerless; depressed and insecure."  If Satan can keep God's people bound in their head and emotions, then he can continue an effective demise of God's ultimate kingdom plan.  So what threatens Satan's plans?  PRAYER.  Satan trembles when God's people pray.  Ironically, my computer just crashed as I wrote this blog, so again, I will just press through because I realize somebody's freedom might just come from this post.  Are you one who is tired of head trippin and always feeling stuck in yourself and never able to get outside of your head?  Pray this prayer and begin to believe it as you labor over your own freedom:

Prayer over Depression:
Father, You are my refuge and my high tower and my stronghold in times of trouble.  I lean on and confidently put my trust in You, for You have not forsaken me.  I seek You  on the authority of Your Word and the right of my necessity.  I praise You, the help of my countenance and my God.

Lord, You lift up those who are bowed down.  Therefore, I am strong and my heart takes courage.  I establish myself on righteousness- right standing in conformity with Your will and order.  I am far even from the thought of oppression or destruction, for I fear not.  I am far even from the thought of oppression or destruction, for I fear not.  I am far from terror for it shall not come near me.

Father, You have thoughts and plans for my welfare and peace.  My mind is stayed on You, for I stop allowing myself to be agitated and disturbed and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled.

Satan, I resist you and every oppressive spirit in the name of Jesus.  I resist fear, discouragement, self-pity, and depression.  I speak the Word of truth, in the power of God, and I give you no place, Satan; I give no opportunity to you.  I am delivered from oppression by the blood of the Lamb.

Father, I thank You that I have been given a spirit of power and of love and of a calm and well-balanced mind.  I have discipline and self-control.  I have the mind of Christ and hold the thoughts, feelings, and purposes of His heart.  I have a fresh mental and spiritual attitude, for I am constantly renewed in the spirit of my mind with Your Word, Father. 

Therefore, I brace up and reinvigorate and cut through and make firm and straight paths for my feet-  safe and upright and happy paths that go in the right direction.  I arise from the depression and procrastination in which circumstances have kept me.  I rise to new life, I shine and am radiant with the glory of the Lord.

Thank you Father, Jesus’ name, that I am set free from every evil work.  I praise You that the joy of the Lord is my strength and stronghold! Hallelujah! 

From:  Prayers That Avail Much