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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Syd Snores On

Was praying today and just plain thankful for a full and rich life that God has given me.  This am woke up ready to have a full day....plans to meet with a brother and a couple of meetings.  Train wreck to that day....wake up to Alexandra having a full on reaction to her anti-biotics for her staph infection.  Hives all over, red splotch and itching all over.  The 3rd time we had to take her to the doc in 8 days.  She seems to be leveling out, so thanks for all your prayers.  After picking up some meds for Alex, I headed out to encourage a sister in the Lord about her admin assistant ministry.  She was growing weary in it all and I had the opportunity to just listen and give some feedback about the 3 or 4 things she was doing great and where she needed to focus.  She was relieved as we prayed and gave her concerns to the Lord.  I was able to make it out and meet our soon to be newlyweds and move them from house to house from 1 to 7.  It was a lot of stuff, but we had great opportunity to connect, laugh and goof off about all that they didn't but should have sold at a yard sale!  From there I was able to come home and just walk the dog and hang while my family enjoyed monopoly jr.  Syd got scared tonight so she wanted to "sleep in the big chair" near me.  That is where I am now....just thinking about this day and the goodness of God.  I am looking forward to a day tomorrow meeting with a brother at 10 am over coffee, discussing his weekly Bible study.  How Jesus is speaking to him.  How I can just support and pray with him and he for me.  Then off to meet another pastor who is trying to get his ministry off the ground.  Planning to listen and just encourage him to get the vision, clarify the vision, execute the vision and then evaluate the execution.  He will be great, I just know it.  Following that I have the privilege to speak to a men's breakfast at Sunset Beach Community Church on Saturday am.  Somewhere in there I get the privilege of shutting in with Jesus and getting in His word, knowing he will lead me to have "something for the people" on Sunday.  Again we will be training 3 new members in a class on Sunday and installing a new worship leader as well.  All of this along with am wake up calls to kids on my bed, wet dog noses, sweet hugs from my beautiful wife and the challenges of balancing it all.  There is no greater joy than to be where you are supposed to be and I am so grateful to have the opportunity to do just that.  Thanks for listening to my rambling....I wish you could hear little Syd snore, you would laugh!  Stu

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