Know you not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; He lives inside of you.
You have been bought with a price; your body is not your own. Therefore glorify God in
your body and spirit which are Godʼs. I Cor. 6: 19-20. We arenʼt alive just to exist. We arenʼt saved just to make it into heaven. We are to work and work is fun, creative, fulfilling, and satisfying. Iʼm talking about spiritual work. Our tools for spiritual work are prayer, Holy Spirit, word of God, fellowship. Iʼve never thought of it this way. We have a PURPOSE FOR LIVING!!! That is so amazing. I take that for granted b/c most of mankind live purposeless lives. Sad.
My purpose keeps me going when Iʼm going through tough times. God doesnʼt want me to serve Him out of fear or duty but out of LOVE FOR HIM!! Jesus came to seek and save the lost & I must do the same because He is my master and my example of whom I am to follow. Jn. 13: 12-17. I never knew DISCIPLESHIP means service. It really encourages me to be reminded that “whatever I do, I do it unto the Lord, heartily, not unto men” Col. 3:23-24. When those whom Iʼve labored for act stupid and drop out of the race, my efforts arenʼt in vain b/c what we do for the least of these weʼve done it unto the Lord. Also, itʼs not over till the fat lady sings (thatʼs not in the bible) and even though people seem to quit, talk trash, act a fool...the word of God does not return void, it will accomplish what it was sent to do. God is the God of the impossible. I must surrender these people to His miraculous working hands & never give up on them! I can
be a better servant by guarding my heart so that when people reject God I donʼt get angry with them & the enemy canʼt use that hurt to make me want to quit the race, thus Iʼll be able to continue serving with a right heart until Jesus comes back.