I am thinking today of a lot that is going on in my life. Trying to keep a balance of the regular- like gathering together a sermon that will help build up the saints. Always enjoying that. Praying through developing our small group system for accountability and such, which sounds maybe easy, but can be tricky. Continuing developing a youth ministry that needs to be in place by Sunday week and developing a dance team ministry this weekend. Sometimes I think I am a glutten for punishment. Why do I do this to myself?

Taking JJ to football practice was rough too for me as his dad. He was matched up against some beasts of boys and looking at it from the sideline it is easy to yell, "get em boy, press in there!" But man, those boys were big and they looked like high school running backs (J is 9). One kid got slammed and it wasn't but a couple of plays later that JJ was on the sideline with a leg bruise. I asked him on the way home if he was scared (I knew I was). He really got choked up but said yes. I told him how in football, you really got to be bold and aggressive and how playing half way can only get you hurt. We went home and I spent a lot of the night thinking how I could bulk his muscles up really quick without using hgh steroids. I thought about taking him through a crash course on tackling and buying the big puffy "dummies" and pads...I thought about another knute Rockne speach about intensity and passion and giving your body for the team.
A few minutes later I started to put in some praise music and faded in and out of sleep on the couch in the play room. In the pitch dark the lyrics began to stir my spirit.... "Holiness, holiness, is what i long for....Lord, what can I give in return for all you've given me?" I started to envision my son dancing with the dance team with his sisters and other kids from the church. I thought eternally, what really mattered? Tackling country bovine boys from the county seat or worshipping God and developing a love and passion for the Lord.
Don't get me wrong, I am believer that we should be the best we can be in whatever we do, but in perspective.....ONLY what we do for Christ will last. The Hall of Fame will not last the melt down of the earth, only the worship and love we show to God and each other. Oh well, dance and football practices are both up on Saturday. - Stuart
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