Continuing on my focus on the term, "vision". There is so much on this topic out there. Books on mission, vision, values, goals, directional leadership etc. To be honest I spent so much time on this in the beginning of planting the 180 church that I never wanted to read another book on vision and values. However, through a series of conversations recently with some in the church and dealing with some straight out questions, "what is the vision of this church." In other words, what are we trying to accomplish? I have found myself at times frustrated with people in the church...not doing the simple things, not following the "obvious" protocol for basic/fundamental success. Then I came across the quote from Andy Stanley's little book on vision, Making Vision Stick. "when a leader blames the follower for not following, the leader has ceased to lead. If the followers don't get it, we probably haven't delivered the vision in a way that makes it get-able. We are responsible for keeping the vision of our organization at the forefront." Simple. Hey, I get that many leaders/pastors and churches have simply no direction at all. And they even seem "successful". Ask them where they are going, they really can't tell you. Their church is filled with programs, activity, boards and all types of committees and such. My struggle recently has been so much frustration that has come out of being very very very focused and simplistic in what we do for 7 years. Never veering from the goal, staying steady and straight on the vision, not getting sidetracked with outreaches, and all kinds of ministry opportunities, yet in many ways still feeling the church disengaged from that vision! Even this week I was offered an opportunity to have our church sell Christmas tree as a fundraiser. I wanted to! We need money! But it is absolutely ludicrous to think that selling trees would help us accomplish vision in the church. So my pain recently has come with how the church vision to me is so simple yet I feel that the integration/carry out of the vision has been slow to take. Very difficult to see happen. At times deflating for sure. Then I read the above quote from Stanly and I begin to see things in a different light. I am leading. Do the people really understand? They are coming and really trying to work at things, but they are not totally "getting it". Stanley charges as a leader to examine my CLARITY of vision. So my challenge now with vision is- clearly explaining what we are doing and in a compelling way invite people to join. I know we must continue to share the vision over and over and over and over....because life makes vision slip. We lose our focus parenting, get lazy and then our kids are gone. We lose focus in our jobs, and soon our passion wanes and we stay in the back office "holding down the fort." We lose our focus in marriage and wake up years gone by realizing we have not invested in the person we live with.... church is no different.
What I am learning is that it is so important for people to UNDERSTAND WHAT WE ARE DOING! The grief that I have been feeling is the reality that people are not fully engaged in the vision. So now what? Clarity, communication and integration. I am having a revival of sorts now finding ways to communicate more simply, more effectively and more regularly than ever before. The results I pray, will mean engagement from the body of Christ. Effective ministry. That brings God glory.
What I am learning is that it is so important for people to UNDERSTAND WHAT WE ARE DOING! The grief that I have been feeling is the reality that people are not fully engaged in the vision. So now what? Clarity, communication and integration. I am having a revival of sorts now finding ways to communicate more simply, more effectively and more regularly than ever before. The results I pray, will mean engagement from the body of Christ. Effective ministry. That brings God glory.
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