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Monday, October 15, 2012

Romney, Christian Republicans, Mormons and Jesus.....

Talking with Republican recently about the Romney campaign.  He knows that I communicate the reality that Romney is a professed Mormon.  I am not trying to make a huge point about it but just really trying to look at what that means to me.  The individual tried to tell me not to judge him, but i guess we all have to judge in some extent of who we vote for.  Obamacare?  Trillions deficit?  Maybe not....but as a believer I am not trying to point out that mormonism simply is now all of a sudden a viable offshoot of Christianity now that there are no evangelicals running.  I am amazed at the depth of Christians faith when their pocketbook could be affected.  Wow.  Last time I checked, Mormanism is not even close to being an offshoot of the Divine ONE TRUE WAY.  Billy Graham it is said has already removed Mormonism from their list of cults after meeting with Romney (http://www.citizen-times.com/article/20121015/NEWS/310150041/Mormonism-cult-claim-vanishes-from-Graham-site?odyssey=nav%7Chead).  Lord I hope not.  Bro. Billy, we can pray for Mitt, love him, and even share the gospel with him...but lets not be more american than we are Christian.  Jesus, you are who you say you are.  Not changed by political winds.  Who wins?  I really don't care.  Jesus is coming.  Get ready.-  Stu


Religious AuthorityAll sacred texts equally, continuing revelationsBible (all), ecumenical councils and creeds (Catholic and Orthodox), official papal pronouncements (Catholic), continuing revelations (Pentecostal)
Sacred TextsBible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, Pearl of Great PriceBible (some include Apocrypha)
TrinityRejected - Father, Son and Holy Spirit are three distinct beings who are "one in purpose"Affirmed - Father, Son and Holy Spirit are of the "same substance"; three persons in one being
GodHeavenly Father, who has a physicalbodyTrinitarian God, who does not have a body
Jesus ChristSon of God, Savior, originally one of the spirit beings that all humans used to be (see Jesus Christ). Has aphysical body.Son of God, Word of God, God, secondPerson of the Trinity (see Christology)
Holy SpiritA spirit being who is a separate being from God and Jesus.God, Third Person of the Trinity
Original sinDenied (see Human Nature)Affirmed (by most denominations)
Free willFree to do good or evilFree will to do good is seriously impaired
Purpose of Christ's IncarnationTeach about God, provide a model for right living, die sacrificially for human sin (see Jesus Christ)Teach about God, provide a model for right living, die sacrificially for human sin, reveal God directly to humanity
Resurrection of Christ?YesYes
SalvationBoth faith and works; works emphasizedBoth faith and works; faith emphasized (in most denominations)
Second chance after death?Yes, during a period of "learning and preparation" after deathNo
AfterlifeAll spirits go to the spirit world, undergo preparation, then rejoin with bodies in the resurrection (seeAfterlife). The good spend the intervening time in spirit paradise, while the wicked go to spirit prison.Souls of wicked sent to Hell, believers go to Heaven for eternity (see Afterlife). In Catholicism, many believers will suffer inPurgatory before going to Heaven.
HellThe wicked enter an unpleasant "spirit prison" prior to judgment; after that, only the most obstinately wicked (like Satan) will be consigned to "Outer Darkness" for eternity.Place (or state of being) of eternal torment and distance from God.
Place of WorshipChapel or TempleChurch
Meaning of Sacraments (Chr) or Ordinances (LDS)Ordinances are covenants between man and God and a means of grace. Some of them are necessary for salvation.Symbolic acts commanded by Christ (some Protestant); means of grace if received with faith (Catholic, Orthodox, and some Protestant).
Sacraments (Chr) or Ordinances (LDS)Include baptism, confirmation, the sacrament (Lord's Supper), laying on of hands, ordination, temple endowment, and marriage sealing (see Temple Ordinances)Two common to all denominations: Baptism and Lord's Supper. Total of seven in Catholicism.
SymbolsNo official symbol; cross is not used; the angel Moroni raising a trumpet isseen atop Mormon templesCrossfish and others
HolidaysEaster, Christmas, national and local holidays, birthdays, celebrations of events in Mormon historyEasterChristmas, saints' days, several others

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