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Thursday, January 12, 2012

God's Calling

Reading through Jeremiah can be tough.  My friend Steve says, it sounds like America.  A people, who are blessed by God.  Never really wanting to hear what God is saying, just what they want to hear.  I am amazed at how God sends a prophet to tell people what He already knows that they will not receive.  It must be frustrating.  But God is so faithful and so patient not only with Israel, but with us individually.

One striking scripture to me is Jeremiah 5:30-31-  "An astonishing and horrible thing has been committed in the land.   The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests rule by their own power; and my people love to have it so."
Wow.  Not only is there a conspiracy of the leaders to lead in their own agenda's but the people would prefer it that way.  It reminds me of when God led and protected Israel, yet at one point decided they wanted to have a king (because every nation had one.)  We all think we know so much what is the right thing and what I am learning through these passages is to trust in God for His provision, His connections, His orchestration in my life instead of doing what "seems good in my eyes".

Jeremiah had a tough task to bringing a word to a people who needed to be confronted.  His calling by God is described as, "Behold I have put my words in your mouth.  See I have this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out and to pull down.  To destroy and to throw down.  To build and to plant." 1:10.  Jeremiah had the fun fun fun job of confronting SOCIETY and to deal with it God simply instructs, "prepare yourself and arise and speak to them all that I command you.  Do not be dismayed before their faces, lest I dismay you before them.  For behold , I have made you this day...."1:17  This is the bottom line.  God called Jeremiah to bring His word.  To a rebellious people.  Not an assignment many of us would want, but when God calls, we are to remember that it is only for Him.

Psalm 118:6: "The Lord is on my side; I will not fear.  What can man do to me?"  I love this mentality.  Man can actually do a lot to us.  Drop us in wells, dungeons, torture and even kill us...yet that is far better than having God dismay us before them.  Why?  "I have made you this day."  If we can get a revelation that our life is not our own, we can boldly and joyfully embrace the calling of God on our lives like the prophet.

We continue our Jeremiah readings this week with Thur:8-10; Fri 11-13; Sat 14-17.  Continue on 3 a day except for Sunday pause.



Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Jeremiah Intro, chapters 1-3 behind us....lets head into Jeremiah 4-6 today and eat up His word!!!


Friday, January 6, 2012

Girls Basketball

The highlight of the past two months of my life has been coaching a middle school girls basketball team.  Our school is the Christian Academy Saints.  We are, well, beginners.  We played a public team in Myrtle Beach and the 1st quarter score was 23 to 2.  Ouch.  That is a lonely feeling.  It is at that time that I have to just sit back and say, "ok, how do we coach here?"  It is obvious the skill level was not close.  The girls listened.  At one point I called timeout and said in my over the top passion, "I'm coaching harder than you all are playing", that one even makes me laugh now.  It was true, that is why I said it.  The girls wanted to shut down and hide on the court, the only problem was that there was no where to hide.  Substitutions didn't really help.  By halftime and a little help from the opposing coach, we were able to go to halftime under 35.  We looked at each other and talked about fear...about effort, about executing what we CAN do, not what we can't.  I told them I could not coach height, speed or experience, but we had an opportunity to do better in the 3rd quarter.  We got blown out, but I was so proud of them.  They never tucked tail.  They were humbled, but I love that they were able to taste some things they never tasted before.  It was uncomfortable.  I wouldn't want to coach the other team.  I want this one.  I want to bring them along.  Last night we played another local private school and delivered our first win in 5 tries.  I am CONVINCED if we would have not played these bigger, better, faster, confident girls we would not have known what to do last night.  I am sure we would have lost.  But the fight and struggle they went through this season has prepared them to play even teams and execute somethings.  The lessons I am learning about coaching are huge, the lessons I am learning about life are big too.  I am thankful for each of these girls.



I am so excited to get more and more in the Word of God this year!  If you are tracking with me, we are winding down 2 Thessalonians today.  Still looking to hear what prophet we are studying.  Back to you on that later today.  The scripture below is an awesome reminder of "the process".

"13    But we are bound to give thanks to God always for you, brethren beloved by the Lord, because God from the beginning chose you for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and belief in the truth,14 to which He called you by our gospel, for the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.15 Therefore, brethren, stand fast and hold the traditions which you were taught, whether by word or our epistle.
16    Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and our God and Father, who has loved us and given us everlasting consolation and good hope by grace,17 comfort your hearts and establish you in every good word and work."

God chose us didn't He?  Sometimes it feels like we found Him, but the reality is that He had His eye on us all the while.  But not just to get us, to save us through sanctification (b : the state of growing in divine grace as a result of Christian commitment after baptism or conversion: Websters Dictionary).  He "got us" to grow us through our commitment to Him relationally (by) His Spirit.  The only change that is happening in us is the sanctifying work of His Spirit and our corresponding belief in the truth that He is leading us into.  The Holy Ghost is constantly flashing truth to our mind and heart and as we agree and hold to that truth with adjusting attitudes, values and life habits, we see ourselves "growing in divine grace".  That is awesome.  We often think God changes us all at once at salvation "decision" but in reality it is a process and that is awesome because it doesn't depend that we get there "all at once".  God is more interested in us keeping in step with Him than arriving at a finish line!  Knowing these things, we can truly STAND FAST through the darkness in this world!



Monday, January 2, 2012

1st Thessalonians

Happy New Year.  Proverbs was the bomb!  Lets keep getting spiritually fit to another level this new year!  On to 1st Thessalonians.  Today is the intro.  Tuesday is chap. 1-3.  Wednesday is 4-5 and intro to 2 Thess.  Then Thursday it is 1-3 all in one day.  Steve- the next book is on you!