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Monday, June 20, 2011

 Three great quotes from AA Allens, The Price of God's Miracle Working Power.   I am well aware that we don't need to get caught up in seeking after signs and wonders but scripture smacks your face constantly with the fact, if the Holy Ghost is in you, then somethin ought to be happening.  

As we press into studying the work of the Holy Spirit, our focus this week has been "deliverance" (from demonic possession).  Allen's book is filled with much help and inspiration.  I hope you continue to press in faith to know all that God has for you.  Enjoy these quotes:

“If the son of God must spend long hours of the night, when the rest of the world was sleeping, alone on the mountain top with His Father, in order that He might be able to cast out even those demons of whom He said, ‘this kind goes not out but by prayer and fasting (Matt. 17:21), surely His disciple also must spend hours in fasting and prayer waiting on God- learning to think and act in unison with God– before he can expect to cast out demons.”  AA Allen.

“But if we are to be like Him in power, we must also be like Him in holiness, in consecration, in meekness, in compassion.  We must be like Him in prayer and in fellowship with the Father.  We must be like Him in faith.  We must be like Him in fasting and self denial.  If it were possible for the servant to be like Him in power without paying the price He paid, then the servant would be above his Lord.” AA Allen

“Prayer was more important to Him than the working of miracles, for miracles do not generate themselves.  Prayer is the cause- miracles the result.  If the disciple could attain the same results which  Jesus did without paying the same price which Jesus paid, then it would have to be confessed that the disciple had become greater than his master.  The ‘student’ would have learned a better, more efficient method than that taught to him by his ‘teacher.’ … But the student of Jesus Christ cannot become greater than his teacher.  He cannot learn anything which Jesus did not know.  He cannot find a short cut to power with God.  If he should try it, he will only meet with disappointment and sorrow.  His life will be shipwrecked and his ministry useless.”  AA Allen, The Price of God’s Miracle Working Power.

Expect Miracles! (God's working)


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