I once heard from a sermon:
disorder = dysfunction.
In regards to marriage and family this is certainly true. If a woman in a marriage is healthy and functional and her husband is sloppy and dysfunctional their family will be dysfunctional. With so much dysfunction in our society (all of us are sinners), we should not give up and quit...we should ask God to CHANGE US! In counseling couples struggling I share with them a priority grid that will help aid them in walking functionally (more whole). Of course there is not a lot of specifics in this blog here, but I thought it might encourage some that may be out of order in life. Disorder yields frustration and that can cripple a family unit. If you see some areas out of order, take heart....simple re-prioritization and focus can move a disorderly family towards becoming a more peaceful and fulfilling family unit! Here is the Marriage Priority Grid:
1) Priority number one is my pursuit of God and love and growth in Him (personal Bible study and prayer) As I am filled with Him I can flow with others.
2) Second Priority is my spouse. That means time and effort to show them that I love them (not feeling, but action) “proof is in the pudding”. When my spouse is valued before my children, they will see a healthy marriage which in fact will solidify their lives in a round about matter.
3) Third Priority are my children. That I nurture, and TRAIN them in the ways of the Lord by leading them in a Biblical fashion in my talk, walk and relationship with my spouse and others.
4) Fourth Priority is our unity in how we live (finances/job status/raising kids) this is key for our flow in life and power in agreement.
5) Fifth Priority is our ministry to the church and community- This is not unimportant because it is 5th, it is 5th because once the other 4 are in order, I can minister effectively.
order plus order = function
disorder plus order = dysfunction
disorder plus disorder = dysfunction
In regards to marriage and family this is certainly true. If a woman in a marriage is healthy and functional and her husband is sloppy and dysfunctional their family will be dysfunctional. With so much dysfunction in our society (all of us are sinners), we should not give up and quit...we should ask God to CHANGE US! In counseling couples struggling I share with them a priority grid that will help aid them in walking functionally (more whole). Of course there is not a lot of specifics in this blog here, but I thought it might encourage some that may be out of order in life. Disorder yields frustration and that can cripple a family unit. If you see some areas out of order, take heart....simple re-prioritization and focus can move a disorderly family towards becoming a more peaceful and fulfilling family unit! Here is the Marriage Priority Grid:
1) Priority number one is my pursuit of God and love and growth in Him (personal Bible study and prayer) As I am filled with Him I can flow with others.
2) Second Priority is my spouse. That means time and effort to show them that I love them (not feeling, but action) “proof is in the pudding”. When my spouse is valued before my children, they will see a healthy marriage which in fact will solidify their lives in a round about matter.
3) Third Priority are my children. That I nurture, and TRAIN them in the ways of the Lord by leading them in a Biblical fashion in my talk, walk and relationship with my spouse and others.
4) Fourth Priority is our unity in how we live (finances/job status/raising kids) this is key for our flow in life and power in agreement.
5) Fifth Priority is our ministry to the church and community- This is not unimportant because it is 5th, it is 5th because once the other 4 are in order, I can minister effectively.
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