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Thursday, December 1, 2011

2 Timothy

As we finish up 2 Timothy we can't help but to see the man of God, Apostle Paul, getting ready for the cold season in his dank dungeon cell.  Imprisoned for constantly preaching the gospel of Jesus.  Paul was pouring out his heart to spiritual son Timothy, pleading for a final visit from Timothy, asking for a coat that would help in the cold prison, and constantly making reference to how Timothy could defend and preserve the true, authentic faith of Jesus.

Just yesterday I heard a preacher say that dehydration is due to lack of water.  The only way for the body to function is to refill with more water, there is no other trick about it.  His next sentence was that spiritual dehydration comes from not having enough Bible reading in our spirit.  The only way for the spirit to function is to refill with more Bible.  I am finding this so true.  One day without being in the Lord I begin to get anxious.  Two days and my family begins to notice. Three days and the whole world can tell.  How we need to hydrate ourselves with the mighty and wonderful Word of God.  This Jewel of a living book is available to all of us in America, and how we need to focus and prioritize our lives to keep in the Word and have the Word into us.  There is no surprise that our conduct and attitudes waiver often because we are not hydrating our spirit....feeding it and causing it to prosper in the Light of Life!

Thanks for sharing with us in 2 Timothy...we have enjoyed it thoroughly.  Be sure to continue to post your great observations.  Today we will move onto Titus.  Studying a background you can check out http://www.abideinchrist.com/messages/titintro.html.  Background study then is today and on Friday we can hit all of Titus in one reading.  Look for an email tomorrow for further instruction on our reading choice for Saturday and next week!


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