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Monday, February 28, 2011

Take Up Your Cross

I love this picture.  It tells it all about the attitude we need as Christ followers.  To be a follower you cannot go around the issues, you have to go through them.  If you skirt around it, God will only bring it back to you again in another way.

At times I have tried to run from issues in my life, but always find that I will have to face them again, so there is no use running, face it and go through....much like the rugby player in the pic.

Every runner hopes for daylight, and not a big brawly toothless giant to face.  We hope blockers go before us and with a burst of speed, we can break to the outside and cut upfield, unhindered and untouched for an exhilarating 70 yard touchdown.  The reality is more and more, life is like 3 yards and a bunch of toothless giants!  When we have to face life, and we don't find the daylight, we can't run the other way, we have to go through the opposition.

Finishing up from Sunday's sermon:  "Jesus Don't Want No Facebook Friends", Christ basically is telling us a followers that if we want to be recognized by Him, we have to be a TRUE friend.  He challenges us in Matthew 10:34-39 that if we want to be His, have the benefits of Him, and the fellowship with Him, then we have to follow His patterns:   "he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me."
I explained Sunday that taking up our cross is not a religious symbol.  It is more like an electric chair.  The cross represents "putting to death" the aspects of our lives that are contrary to Jesus and His mission and Kingdom.  If we are unwilling, then we will run at the toothless giant and fall down before we are hit.  Do that once, and it is ok.  Do it twice and we will get a kingdom peer pressure grumbling.  Do it a third time and team Jesus will sit us down on the sideline.  Can you imagine fighting on a team and having a runner scared to fight through?  The cross we must carry deals with our prides, attitudes, lusts, envy's, immaturity etc...  We try to act like it is not there (the issue), but still we walk around depressed and frustrated with our lives. This stuff lingers because we won't crucify our flesh.... Jesus says, basically that if we are not followers (unwilling to put ourselves on the cross of denial) then we are not WORTHY of Him.  Not worthy means, we don't get His time. 

I was told this was a "hard word" Sunday.  But it is just the Bible.  One man came to me and said, "Stuart, it is hard to get on the cross!", and I agreed.  The more I think about his statement the more I want to say, "but it ain't gonna change just cause it's hard".  The labor, the struggle, the denial, the loss, the press, it is all worth it.  To the victor goes the spoils.  And we have a lot of spoils to look forward to.  Press in today- take up your cross and let Jesus have ALL of you.  He'll take the pain, you take the gain!


Friday, February 25, 2011

Jesus The Sword or Peace?

Caitlin and Leah Beidler paint in the darkest of places, City Soleil, Haiti.  Follow her along her mission the next few weeks at:
Preaching Sunday on Matthew 10 some more and a scary statement is written:
"Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword." v.34

"For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.....but we preach Christ crucified, to the Jews a stumbling block and to the Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God."
1 Corinthians 1:18; 23-25.

The point here is that Jesus never intended to bring straight up peace on the earth.  Why?  Because not all will receive that peace.  Who is offered salvation?  All.  Who receive it?  Some.  What happens to those who don't receive?  They are angry at Jesus.  They may not agree with that, but it is true.  When you tell an ungodly person that their ungodly deeds will be judged and condemned, they will curse you.  If ungodly men are bent on sin, Jesus simply becomes a curse word....hence the sword, the cutting.  Even those who are "o.k." with Jesus, meaning, they are not violently opposed to Him, their neutrality is almost more of an indictment than the haters.  Meaning, the same end will come to a "nice" fornicator.  A happy cheater without God is still hell-bound.  The nice Muslim on the street giving 20 percent of his income to the mosque for outreach programs is still bound for eternal separation from God.  Jesus cuts this person up with the sword of truth because it will unravel all of the false peace that has been built in their fantasy world, created in their own minds.  Without Christ people MUST make an illusion of meaning for life and hope, yet Jesus unearths it all through the reality of death, disappointment, injustice and apathy.  Nothing on earth can bring hope but Christ finally.  The middle road man, the neutral man will inevitably be in the same condition as the violently opposed to Christ as their self made worlds crumble.  Another scripture describes the longing in the heart of man for God....

"For the earnest expectation of creation eagerly awaits for the revealing of the sons of God.  For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because the creation itself will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.  For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now."  Romans 8:18-22

People are longing for the TRUTH, but many will miss Him, because they would rather build false realities in their minds.  That is what makes the "Prince of Peace" a sword.

- Stuart

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Who is With Me??? Sunday Focus This Week: Matthew 10:32-39

“Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven."

Confession is necessary for Jesus to work in our lives. It is like a husband to a wife. Can you imagine a husband not acknowledging that he is married at a party, but instead flirts with all the other women. Yet when the couple get home, he begins to be intimate with affection and say, I love you baby. No, no, no…. that man will be out on the couch and better yet in the yard, with all his clothes and belongings. To act as if we are committed and connected with someone but act contrarily before others is to indeed say in contrast, “I have no part in you, or in this relationship”. Likewise when at home and in our backyard we enjoy our best neighborhood friends. Throwing the football, overnight, family beach trips, pizza, and video games. But when we get to school and get ready to sit down beside that friend at the lunch room, they mock and laugh and tell you to go sit with the other losers at the other table. Most of us know this feeling of identifying ourselves with someone as friends, yet in reality, when the call of friendship is needed, it is denied. Jesus says clearly here, “hey, if you love me, you better live it out in front of everybody. Don’t think you love me cause you go to church, cause church ain’t Me buddy. “ To copy a famous quote, standing in a garage doesn’t make you a car, lying down on bread doesn’t make you a sandwich, and going to church buildings don’t make you a follower of Christ. Jesus makes it plain. You want some of me? You better live for me out LOUD! More comin up Sunday- Stuart

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Gospel Out or Implosion!

I kind of get the whole car/exhaust thing.  The gospel has to be released from us.  Paul preached that he was in chains to the gospel.  My interpretation is that he was a prisoner to the message, it compelled him, he had no choice, he was a slave and the gospel was his message.  Other letters in scripture, Paul calls the gospel, "my gospel".  Reading that at first seems a little bit over the top, maybe a bit arrogant, but he meant it.  He had given up everything to Christ and Christ was everything to him.  His food, his time, his body, his well being, his rough treatment.  Paul did not need to be motivated to share the gospel, he had to be pulled off of people.  He was COMPELLED!  I get the picture of a car with no exhaust or at least a car with exhaust pipes plugged.  Can you imagine the backflow of danger?  That is what I am feeling right now as I type this.  I feel like such a loser writing about it cause I feel that there is an urgency like never before to like Paul, "pour out myself like a drink offering".  I am sure that an implosion will occur if I don't share today.  I spoke Sunday about how I would judge myself this week on whether I gave God something to germinate..... well, you would not believe the distractions.  Well, I'm at the library now.... no distractions.  You ready?  Time to drop some "G" bombs (gospel) in this place. I want to encourage each of you to be a fool for Christ today and give God something to germinate in your life.  New life, eternity, transformed lives....the world is waiting for THE message (and mine)....no implosion necessary- lets live in chains!


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ministry Culture: Chained to the Gospel!

It has been an amazing weekend and week and month at 180-degrees.  The Lord is challenging us to get off our hind parts and get the gospel message to the lost and dying world.  We have been so cut to the heart at how nobody is going to reach out to the lost if we don't.  I have been so energized reading at how the Apostle Paul was beaten with rods several times, whipped 39 times on 5 separate occasions; he was stoned once and left for dead; in prison countless times, shipwrecked, naked, persecuted and much much more.  All because he was "in chains to this gospel."  As we studied the Matthew chapter 10 study, we see that Jesus tells us that as believers we will also enter into a ministry culture of persecution.  I know I have shirked back and gotten really comfortable in my Christian walk.  Just tonight I was listening to a song and my wife asked me, "are you ready?"  I said, "ready for what?"  She said, "ready for Jesus to come back?"  I said, yes my soul is ready....but I have not fully run this race.  I have not poured myself out like the Apostle Paul.  I have not stretched my comfort zone at all like I have desire too.  I have been scared, hesitant, too busy and preoccupied.  This week and season is a new stretch for me and for 180.  We are going places we have never been before.  The quote I am using now is "PLAYING TO WIN".  Frustrated by sports teams that are looking to build esteem by everyone getting a trophy we are building a society that is based on "everyone is important".  And although that is true, in war, life, business, and even in faith, the victor comes through the victory.  Souls are lost, people are broken and I am so introspective that it makes me sick.  It is time to throw off myself and get after what I was gotten after.  Paul says it this way,

Philippians 3:12 (New International Version, ©2010)

 "12 Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me."  COME ON JESUS....TIME TO GET US OUT DA WAY AND GET SOME GLORY IN MBEACH!!!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Helping Others Turn

Scripture tells us how we are to bring the truth.  In 2 Timothy, the Apostle Paul writes his young "Son" in the faith to help people be pulled out of ignorance and deception.  He writes:

"And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient, in humility correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance so that they may know the truth, and that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will."  2 Tim. 2:23-26.

The reality is people in general....and often times are deceived. This is huge because they often think that they are serving Him, but scripture says they are serving him.  There are a lot of nuggets in the scripture above.... be careful not to be deceived; be on guard against satan;  acknowledgement of sin is not enough when we are wrong- repentance is necessary.  The jewel I find here today, however, is that when someone else is off, deceived or ignorant to the truth, we are to bring that person the truth.  But how we bring it is key.  First off we need to bring it without argument.  The minute our help becomes an argument is the minute our help should be withdrawn.  Teaching someone who is in deception requires gentleness and patience and humility.  When we are able to bring help we can bring it with a hammer or we can bring it with gentleness and patience (maybe requiring several confrontations, meetings or calls).  That is not what I want.  What I want is, "you listen to me so we can move on past that."  God is teaching us that His servant must be gentle, patient and humble.  If that is the character of the servant of the Lord then two more things have to occur before our friends can receive personal victory or breakthrough.  1) The Lord "perhaps" may grant the repentance (and bring them to their senses) and 2) They can break out of the snare that the devil has them in. 

All this helps me remember that I CAN'T SET PEOPLE FREE.  Only God can (perhaps)...."if" they come to their senses.  I don't have to fret or worry about being right, validated, or effective.  I just have to bring the truth.....in gentleness, humility and patiently.

God help me!-  Stu

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Limp Legs

Something that has always bothered me:  People that live like the devil yet say profound and proper things about faith, proper living and/or morality.  I am sure this sounds self righteous to say, but when I have experienced this in the past, it makes me want to vomit.  Hearing someone who is irresponsible talk about the important of diligence.  Someone speaking of love and they are mean as a snake all the time.  A conversation with an unfaithful person as they discuss the importance of loyalty etc.... I often times try to overcome my sour stomach and tell myself to stop judging these folk. 

I came across a SERIOUS proverb in my studies today that at least touches on this subject.

"Like the legs of the lame that hang limp is a proverb in the mouth of fools." Proverbs 25:7


Well, don't want to be so quick to judge, but it is a proverb to know, it isn't wrong to want to throw up when a beautiful truth spews out of the mouth of a ....well.........fool.  Can you say handicapped speech?

Peace- Stu

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

You Just Don't Want To Be Loved

Listening to an old jam today in my time of reading and prayer.  It was a song from the group "The WInans."  Been praying about all the people in my life who are outside of the Kingdom of God.  Listening to the lyrics put some thoughts in my mind about people refusing to come to God.  It could be because of unbelief, fear, or straight up rebellion.  What strikes me is the never ending pursuit that God has for people even being rejected daily for every type of excuse and well formed argument.  The lyrics are printed below:

If you turn your head away after hearing what I say.
You refuse to take my hand, then I'll understand
You just don't want to be loved.

If you turn away my gift follow after a myth.
If you'd rather be deceived then I must believe
You just don't want to be loved.

If you turn away the light, just to walk in the night.
I haven't heard a verbal no but your actions show
You just don't want to be loved.

You disregard all my calls as if I haven't called at all.
And all the time I know you hear, makes me really fear
You just don't want to be loved.

Oh with love and kindness I'll draw and with goodness I will lead.
With my blood I'll wash away all iniquity.
So come and take my hand, I will lead you all the way.
Your tomorrow will be much brighter than your yesterday.
So much brighter than your yesterday.

I bridle you with everything but your response is still the same
It seems all in vain you just don't want to be loved.
You always seem to hide the emptiness inside.
I will set you free If you turn to me, but
You just don't want to be loved.

Why won't you let Jesus love you?
Don't turn him away (You just don't want to be loved.)
I don't understand (You just don't want to be loved.)

Why won't you let Jesus love you.
let Him (Love you)

Monday, February 14, 2011


On Sunday I was talking about how God did so much to help the nation Israel as they traveled out of Egypt and wandered around the wilderness for forty years.  I have heard the hike they took was generally a very very short trip. It should have taken them DAYS to make the trip.  But because the people were so hard headed they never made it (at least the adults didn't....save two).  They all died in the wilderness.  

One of the interesting scriptures in Psalm 78 comes after God parts a sea, shows himself daily to the nation to remind them that He is with them through a daily cloud and a night fire in the sky.  He then splits rocks to water over 600,000 men plus women and children.  Can you imagine the water line?  You know they didn't have dixie cups.  After all of that provision, the people then say from what I can size in a very sarcastic tone in vs. 19, " “Can God really
   spread a table in the wilderness?".  I mean come on!  It is tough enough to feed a few hundred thousand people, more less in the middle of a desert!  I guess water from a rock and completely moving back water (into heaps) in order to move a nation away from the world's mightiest army and gushing water from rocks is small change to these guys.  I know what you might be thinking.... easy on the Hebrews!  The reality is that the New Testament writers implore us to look at them very closely (for an example!)  The answer to the sarcastic question of the Israeli's is YES I CAN (spread a table in the wilderness).  To those who can't seem to believe all that God did for nation Israel, then this post will more be amusing to you, but I still believe God did it!!!.  The question is "What does that matter for me?"  Everything.  In light of my life, situations, issues and challenges, I have found that I am simply not able to trust God enough.  I find ways to "unbelieve".  That is right, the red line is under that word because it is telling me that it is not a word.  But that is what I have to constantly guard against in my life.  Unbelieving God.  To believe God takes no hard work.  I mean you just take Him for what He says.  He loves me.  So many people can't seem to accept that. So they spend their time "unbelieving".  Many worry daily about their finances and future when God promises to provide for His children.  Unbelieving.  So often I wrestle with unbelieving God that it has been a smack in His face.  Lord I am sorry for unbelieving you, like the Israelites.  Help me to be believing and trust you for all that you say and will do.  And yes Lord, I do believe you can set a table for me in the wilderness (no sarcasm :) - Stuart

Friday, February 11, 2011

Scrap Metal, Souls and Wilmington Partners

Came back from a quick trip with a brother to Wilmington today.  It was awesome.  Thankful for friends and partners in ministry.  In our visit we were able to visit a dear friend in town for a java.  I was thinking how this person has been so essential in the ministry being able to continue on in support of 180 even though they have not been in the area, our meetings or services.  Every time they send a check, I am overwhelmed.  I think, what have we done to deserve this?  As we were talking, we were abundantly aware that God is the one who gets the glory, but wow, how awesome it is when a friend "see's you".  When you are "seen" to me that means to be valued and recognized as a legitimate and relevant work of God.  Just recently a close friend sent me a request for old metal parts for his mission in Africa.  The metal will go to help build their ministry project with the local orphanage and outreach.  I surrendered my family heirloom (as he calls it).  A 1973 VW.  He has gone back and forth with me about giving up a treasure.  Indeed it is a treasure in that I have held onto it for time and time and time, but never have been able to make it work for our family.  I dreamed of putting Jeremiah in it one day fully restored.  But as I began to pray about it, I felt the Lord say to me, metal for souls.  What is it worth?  Gladly I released the old car, tattered and smudged with grime and years of neglect.  In some strange way, I felt more partnered, more connected with Africa and the work that they are doing there.  It has been frustrating in this season in our lives to not be able to give much of significance for months and months, so in a strange way, being able to give this truly is a blessing.   I "see" this guy and his wife and what they are doing.  So to sow it into their ministry is a true and precious honor.

I think our Wilmington partner must feel like that too.  As they said, "The Lord put it on my heart to support your ministry."  Well, that ministry has meant my family for most part.  That is near and dear to me.  More and more amazed I am of how God will go to other towns if it takes that for people to "see you".  Wilmington, thanks for seeing us at 180 way down here in Myrtle Beach.  I will never forget your generosity that truly has helped us to stand.  Every soul saved will be attributed to your contribution, much like my junk VW in Africa.  Thanks simply for the gift, for "seeing me", and for being faithful.  And thank you God for all you do to never forget me laboring here for You.

PS-  to learn more about my Africa friends,Ken and Karen, click on their link comegowithus.org

Thursday, February 10, 2011


"Confidence in an unfaithful man in time of trouble [is like] a broken tooth, and a foot out of joint." 

Another title for this post could be "A Few Good Men."  I have learned a bit in the past few years of church planting.  There is a difference in testing/training and trusting.  Testing and training comes with a learning curve.  What I mean to say is, you expect failure quite a bit.  With that it is kind of easier to deal with sloppy results, because you basically factor in helping with a project or essentially bagging an assignment from another to do it yourself.  The idea is to see where individuals perform so as to improve excellence or proficiency.  I am learning that I have often mixed the two up (testing and trusting).  When placing full trust in an untested individual, the proverb written above plays out in truth.  Many times I have fully trusted in people that I thought were truly faithful and when that proved to not be true, wow did it hurt.  Perhaps it was my fault?  At least a bit.  The scripture basically tells us to not put faith in an unfaithful person, especially in an important matter...unless we are a glutton for punishment (or a toothache :) .  What I am taking from this scripture is to asses what are the expectations that I put on people who are around me.  For those of us in leadership training and development, I am learning that to release responsibility and task to a responsible person, what a JOY!!!  So, the battle becomes, "Who is faithful?".  My focus a bit now is to make sure that what I am assigning is to a proven and tested individual, or else, I should expect a learning curve (fit with a lot of clean ups).  Knowing that will help me and my teeth and ankles.


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Don't Miss Your Window

Windows in the sense in which I will be speaking this Sunday at our church 180-Degrees, are very important.  I recognize the significance of how they let in light and how they let in air.  They are good for breaking up monotony in design and such.  However, windows in the spiritual sense often represent a time, a season or a process in which the ability from heaven is at your door.  Meaning, God is bringing you to a place to do "a work", a task or perhaps fulfill an aspect of releasing a greater portion for your destiny.  Often times we do not recognize a window as we speak a "window of opportunity."  These times are not always.  They may be with us for a moment, or they may return later, but they are not guaranteed.  I will be explaining from my experience how I have missed some windows and share how the price I have paid in missing them has caused a greater awareness of their existence, and a heightened sense of God's workings as I continue on in life.
We will discuss how God wants us to recognize His windows so that we can procure the needed assets to move forward in our divine design and destiny.  If you are floundering in life and seem to be going around a carousel, this will be an exciting teaching for you.  Also, if you or others you know seem to never gain momentum in life and seem constantly frustrated, this talk will be a neat way to process some new information and revelation to push through to a more helpful walk with the Lord.  Either way, it will prepare us to recognize and posture ourselves for when these windows are open in our lives.
If you miss it...check out the link at vimeo.com and search the link
http://vimeo.com/user4501567/videos/sort:date    The title should be "Don't Miss Your Window."  I will try to get it loaded by Wednesday!


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

MMMMMMM.....cafe ole!  A lot is going on in our church these days.  For now we are completing our audio and visual purchases.  We are also up and running with a nice cafe on Sunday service times.  We offer a nice tasting Joe with sodas, pies and snacks and a nice sit down bar area.  Our focus right now is beefing up our childcare area.  We don't have a lot of wee-kids but we are planning to get some new supplies to prepare for the bitty ones!

If anyone has an old babygate play yard (the kind where you keep kids contained) and a lightly used spongy type of flooring/matting for the kids, holla at a brother.  That stuff will run around $200-300 for what we are looking for and right now every dolla makes a brotha holla.

Thanks for always being interested in hearing what is going on in the life and ministry of 180-degrees!  Please pray for us, specifically Jose (with a hairnet); that he will come to faith in Christ as we reach out to him with the GOSPEL!!!

- Stu

Friday, February 4, 2011

 The song below is "You Just Gotta Know" from a rap artist named Lecrae.  Not sure about the calamity line, so someone help me out.  But truly listening to this song on the way to school with the kids.  It spoke to me in a gentle way like a dagger in the heart :).  I think my mindset was a bit frustrated with my own inability to even be the man that I know I should be, want to be and hope to be.  In it all I struggle in the reality of it all that at least I know that I am desperate for God's help in all of that and that sometimes it scares me that people all around me don't know about it, but have the intellect to fly to the moon and all that.  And even people that know God is for true, struggle to surrender to Him for fear of being dropped (note last 2 lines).  In it all I am overcome by the lyrics "I know I'm loved and I'm pursued).  Just thinking how God created this ball, split open seas to let a million people escape the world power (Egypt), made the sun stand still, delivered death row inmates from fire pits and lion cages...and He even considers my life.  Overwhelming.  Enjoy the lyrics below and if you like to get your gangsta lean on, download the song, it is sweet.  JJ gives it a 5 rating.  - Stu

"(Yeah) I sit and hear the guitars play, Wonder if they could, what would stars say or Venus and Mars say
Or say that we want it our way....Stars so desperate to shine that they go on livin' the hard way
The intellect to travel to Mars but so blind, We worship Venus but she don't even know who we are
And she never cared why cuz she wasn't there...When I was tryin' to drown my sorrows in a pool of despair
I ain't perfect, sometimes I feel worthless, Worth less than that is the image that Ive purchased
Man, from the shades to the shirt to the shoes, Just another fool tryin' to cover he's confused, that ain't cool
Sometimes I hate the man in the mirror....Cuz I know he's a liar and a cheater and a killer
People say they love him but they love what he can give 'em, But deep inside he knows that there's a reason for him livin'

(Uh) You know I need YOU like aqua, Day without ya got me so nauseous,
If I ain't cautious, I'm gonna self-inflict my sickness You know it's true, YOU as my witness
At how YOU witness my inconsistence...Yes, the ovation when I need your assistance
And I just gotta know that even though I'm a misfit, I'm still worth more than calamity's French kiss
Yes I'm loved, and I'm pursued, And though I can't feel it, still I know that it's true
Somebody woke me up, and yeah, I know it was YOU....And yet I keep tryin' to steer clear of YOUR view
Cuz if YOU get me, I know that YOU got me....But I'm so insecure I can't believe that YOU want me
But then I heardYOU went outta your way to adopt me..
Well you can have my all if you swear you won't drop me

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Happy Anniversary 180-Degrees CHURCH 6 YEARS

The picture to the right is truly about the best one I could find in my limited arsenal.  It was taken about the same time we left Virginia for Myrtle Beach.  This Sunday, marks our 6 year journey mark as a local church plant in the Myrtle Beach area. 

The picture was taken on a Thanksgiving weekend with some dear friends visiting with us.  Jeremiah is pushing a late "4" years old in the picture.  J is now a 4th grader.  The warriors dress is called the "armour of God".  It was given by a dear friend in Richmond, VA upon his birth. 

As I reflect on 6 years of treading into the devils playground in Myrtle Beach, I am reminded of the many who started with us, came along side and have moved on.  As a young church we are still celebrating many firsts, but many things God has truly established.

This year in our facility transition we are truly being blessed and experiencing freer worship of the Lord.  Our community groups are growing with new people being brought in.  Many struggling with sin and weights of life and destructive habits are experiencing new life transforming grace from the Lord Jesus Christ.  We are truly in chains to this gospel, and it is an honor to press into one more year of holding it down til He comes.

In the picture above I can remember what was going on in my head... there was so much excitement, zeal, passion and ideas in my head.  What would it look like?  Who would we reach?  What would it feel like?  Nikki, Louis, Jaimie, Caitlin, Ray, John, Michael, Jenn, Rosa, Danny, Trevor, Christopher, Maddie, Babs, Karen, Terri, Debbie....... you are why we came!  I thank God for the " ....."  those are all the others that I of course did not mention.  On the other side of 6 years there has been much press, much confusion, dissappointment, even dissillusionment, but never has the passion to serve our Lord Jesus Christ been stronger. 

As my wife cried over a gut wrenching trial in our community, she said, "I can't wait to go to Heaven."  What she meant was," it is hard"... Life, situations, people, the enemy of our own souls, the reality of tragedy and sickness and death.  She did not mean it in a negative way, but truly she is longing to be with our Jesus where there will be no more struggle, press, and trial.  Until then we will work while it is day.

Join us if you can for our 6th Anniversary service this Sunday evening at the Sea Mist Hotel.  You can check us out on FB at 180degreeschurch for more updates.

Peace-  Stu