“Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven."
Confession is necessary for Jesus to work in our lives. It is like a husband to a wife. Can you imagine a husband not acknowledging that he is married at a party, but instead flirts with all the other women. Yet when the couple get home, he begins to be intimate with affection and say, I love you baby. No, no, no…. that man will be out on the couch and better yet in the yard, with all his clothes and belongings. To act as if we are committed and connected with someone but act contrarily before others is to indeed say in contrast, “I have no part in you, or in this relationship”. Likewise when at home and in our backyard we enjoy our best neighborhood friends. Throwing the football, overnight, family beach trips, pizza, and video games. But when we get to school and get ready to sit down beside that friend at the lunch room, they mock and laugh and tell you to go sit with the other losers at the other table. Most of us know this feeling of identifying ourselves with someone as friends, yet in reality, when the call of friendship is needed, it is denied. Jesus says clearly here, “hey, if you love me, you better live it out in front of everybody. Don’t think you love me cause you go to church, cause church ain’t Me buddy. “ To copy a famous quote, standing in a garage doesn’t make you a car, lying down on bread doesn’t make you a sandwich, and going to church buildings don’t make you a follower of Christ. Jesus makes it plain. You want some of me? You better live for me out LOUD! More comin up Sunday- Stuart
Confession is necessary for Jesus to work in our lives. It is like a husband to a wife. Can you imagine a husband not acknowledging that he is married at a party, but instead flirts with all the other women. Yet when the couple get home, he begins to be intimate with affection and say, I love you baby. No, no, no…. that man will be out on the couch and better yet in the yard, with all his clothes and belongings. To act as if we are committed and connected with someone but act contrarily before others is to indeed say in contrast, “I have no part in you, or in this relationship”. Likewise when at home and in our backyard we enjoy our best neighborhood friends. Throwing the football, overnight, family beach trips, pizza, and video games. But when we get to school and get ready to sit down beside that friend at the lunch room, they mock and laugh and tell you to go sit with the other losers at the other table. Most of us know this feeling of identifying ourselves with someone as friends, yet in reality, when the call of friendship is needed, it is denied. Jesus says clearly here, “hey, if you love me, you better live it out in front of everybody. Don’t think you love me cause you go to church, cause church ain’t Me buddy. “ To copy a famous quote, standing in a garage doesn’t make you a car, lying down on bread doesn’t make you a sandwich, and going to church buildings don’t make you a follower of Christ. Jesus makes it plain. You want some of me? You better live for me out LOUD! More comin up Sunday- Stuart
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