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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ministry Culture: Chained to the Gospel!

It has been an amazing weekend and week and month at 180-degrees.  The Lord is challenging us to get off our hind parts and get the gospel message to the lost and dying world.  We have been so cut to the heart at how nobody is going to reach out to the lost if we don't.  I have been so energized reading at how the Apostle Paul was beaten with rods several times, whipped 39 times on 5 separate occasions; he was stoned once and left for dead; in prison countless times, shipwrecked, naked, persecuted and much much more.  All because he was "in chains to this gospel."  As we studied the Matthew chapter 10 study, we see that Jesus tells us that as believers we will also enter into a ministry culture of persecution.  I know I have shirked back and gotten really comfortable in my Christian walk.  Just tonight I was listening to a song and my wife asked me, "are you ready?"  I said, "ready for what?"  She said, "ready for Jesus to come back?"  I said, yes my soul is ready....but I have not fully run this race.  I have not poured myself out like the Apostle Paul.  I have not stretched my comfort zone at all like I have desire too.  I have been scared, hesitant, too busy and preoccupied.  This week and season is a new stretch for me and for 180.  We are going places we have never been before.  The quote I am using now is "PLAYING TO WIN".  Frustrated by sports teams that are looking to build esteem by everyone getting a trophy we are building a society that is based on "everyone is important".  And although that is true, in war, life, business, and even in faith, the victor comes through the victory.  Souls are lost, people are broken and I am so introspective that it makes me sick.  It is time to throw off myself and get after what I was gotten after.  Paul says it this way,

Philippians 3:12 (New International Version, ©2010)

 "12 Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me."  COME ON JESUS....TIME TO GET US OUT DA WAY AND GET SOME GLORY IN MBEACH!!!!

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