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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Gospel Out or Implosion!

I kind of get the whole car/exhaust thing.  The gospel has to be released from us.  Paul preached that he was in chains to the gospel.  My interpretation is that he was a prisoner to the message, it compelled him, he had no choice, he was a slave and the gospel was his message.  Other letters in scripture, Paul calls the gospel, "my gospel".  Reading that at first seems a little bit over the top, maybe a bit arrogant, but he meant it.  He had given up everything to Christ and Christ was everything to him.  His food, his time, his body, his well being, his rough treatment.  Paul did not need to be motivated to share the gospel, he had to be pulled off of people.  He was COMPELLED!  I get the picture of a car with no exhaust or at least a car with exhaust pipes plugged.  Can you imagine the backflow of danger?  That is what I am feeling right now as I type this.  I feel like such a loser writing about it cause I feel that there is an urgency like never before to like Paul, "pour out myself like a drink offering".  I am sure that an implosion will occur if I don't share today.  I spoke Sunday about how I would judge myself this week on whether I gave God something to germinate..... well, you would not believe the distractions.  Well, I'm at the library now.... no distractions.  You ready?  Time to drop some "G" bombs (gospel) in this place. I want to encourage each of you to be a fool for Christ today and give God something to germinate in your life.  New life, eternity, transformed lives....the world is waiting for THE message (and mine)....no implosion necessary- lets live in chains!


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