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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Failures Ain't That Bad

Ok, Heather hates this picture.  I wanted to make it my email picture, but she absolutely refused to get in agreement on it.  So here it is in a lone cameo.  I have no idea what I was saying but it had to do with something about "4".  A cookout/outreach to the Fresh Brewed community last summer.

Was reading from a new friends book, From Crackers to Caviar (James Cooper).  He writes about failure/success..... 

"If you haven't failed, it's because you haven't tried anything.  You have to get out there and become comfortable with the fact that there are times where you will miss the mark if you want to become a success.  You have to learn from your mistakes and you have to get your mistakes quickly out of the way so you can try again.  You can't fear failure, quite the opposite, you have to embrace it.  One of the key differences between successful and unsuccessful people is that unsuccessful people fear failing; they fear trying, because there may be a chance of failing.  But successful people understand that there's a lesson in their failure.  Michael Jordan says this, 'I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career.  I've lost almost 300 games.  26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed.  I've failed over, and over, and over again in my life, and that is why I succeed.'

You have to become comfortable with failure because failure is the incubator for success.....We know that Edison had 2000 failed attempts before he finally found the right material (for light bulb filament)  Edison continually questioned about his repeated attempts and subsequent failures by reporters.  When asked about all his failures he said this, "I have not failed.  Not once.  I've just found 10,000 ways that didn't work."

Don't be afraid to fail...Go for it!!! You can do it!   Stu


Anonymous said...

Another good read... Radical by David Platt. I guess I shouldn't personally recommend yet as I'm only on pg.62 but it's great thus far and I've been told it's an awesome one. i'm sure your reading list is never short, but...maybe worth checkin out.
Go strong!

Stuart Royall said...

Thanks GB...I'll have to check that out. GO Strong fo sho

Caitlin said...

Love it. Thanks for that.

Caitlin said...

Love it. Great timing.

Christopher Ryder said...

If you ain't tryin...you be dying!