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Monday, November 14, 2011

This Week's Reading (Joshua)

We will be reading the book of Joshua.  Steve Vereen picked this one.  Glad to have Kerri joining with us in the reading.  It has been so good and challenging to have accountability and group study in the Word.  I am convinced that the Devil more than anything tries the hardest to keep us out of God's Word and the prayer closet.  If we can read the WORD the enemy is going to shake and quake, because it is ALIVE AND ACTIVE.  For an introductory help you can read (http://www.abideinchrist.com/messages/josintro.html ).  Steve, if you could post the Blue Letter Bible site URL that would help for those who would prefer an audio intro.  Tuesday we will read chapter 1-3; Wed: 4-6; Thurs: 7-9; Fri: 10-12 and Saturday: 13-16.  Let's get into the Word so the WORD can get into us.

PS-  when I was 16 years old, I remember being at my grandma Hazel's house.  I was a new driver....ready to leave a family gathering at Christmas.  I will never forget when my Uncle Johnny coming down the driveway and meeting by my car.  He interrupted my quick exit and pulled out a card of his for business.  He had written something on the back and flipped it over to share it with me.  It said, " This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go." JOSHUA 1:8-9.  Johnny then handed me that card.  I think I kept it in my wallet for over 12 years before it finally eroded.  How I wish I had laminated it!  My uncle passed away two days ago.  This reading will be special to me as I remember John Alvin Royall through every daily reading.  Thank you Uncle Johnny for sharing with me the truth, even before I was "ready" to receive it.  Your witness seed did bear fruit in my heart and I will see you again soon face to face.  You have finished the race, now receive your reward.  Love you dear brother.  Stuart

1 comment:

Mary said...

Hi Stuart, I'm so sorry to hear your Uncle Johnny left this earth but happy he is with our Lord, my Brandy,and all our other loved ones rejoicing in the Presence of God. I believe with all my heart they are before the Lord on behalf of their loved ones still here on earth. Luke 16:19-31
Your Uncle planted a seed in you and it took root so you know he is being greatly reward for by doing this you are an awesome man of God and He is working through you to reach so many other people and most importantly with His Love and His Word. You amazes me as well as Heather, you both give so much of yourselves and I for one am so very thankful God brought you both into my path when I needed you the most!
God Bless you Stuart, I love you dearly, In Christ, Mary