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Friday, August 5, 2011

Haiti Mission Team On The Ground

Pictured here is 180-degrees mission in Haiti.  Leah Beidler is pictured drawing a bible study in te native Creole tongue....

The trip this month was greatly altered when Leah's sister was not able to go on the expected visit for the first 3 weeks.  With Caitlin not present, much alteration has to be made.  Please pray for Leah, that she would be bold, filled with love and the POWER OF THE SPIRIT.  

If you would like to follow Leah's progress you can do that by clicking the link for the Haiti mission team: www.camphopehaiti.blogspot.com.  Please pray that the tropical storm would not impact the mission trip as well.  

GO HARD FOR JESUS LEAH....we got your back in prayers!

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