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Friday, November 4, 2011

Bible Study: Intro to Zechariah ch.1-7

Have been awol for awhile now.  Been getting ready for a move to a new place and a lot of transition.  Looking for a new church meeting place for 2012 and ready to plant some roots this time.  Keep that in prayer.

As I have been building a great friendship with a dear brother, I heard the complaint, "I just don't know where to study in the Bible, it can be overwhelming."  I just decided that along with adding thoughts about ministry, family and church and stuff, I would add in the posts an opportunity to share findings in the Word of God together.  We are going to try to tear 7 chapters a day and see how that works for a few days.  I would welcome any comments to be shared so that we might help each other walk through the word.  For now we will open up with a breakdown of the book that we are studying and then we will take the study chapter by chapter.

We start then with the book of Zechariah in the Old Testament.  Why?  Because that is where I am studying!  I suggest you start with a Bible that has a great commentary to share the Biblical history and climate surrounding the culture of the writing.   I tooled around and found a pretty good site for this book that I feel comfy with and it is http://www.abideinchrist.com/messages/zecintro.html   I am posting this site for a help to you if you don't have a good commentary/intro.  This site will give a basic understanding to the who, what, where, when and why of this message.  I will be the first to comment.  Remember if you want to share the thoughts you have don't just respond to your email, you need to join and make a comment as a reader/friend to the site. 

The main thing we can get hyped up for in this book is that the Israeli's are coming back after a 70 year exile... and God is calling them to do a work.  Many of us can relate.... time to get on point and do the Lord's work.  Hope this study engages you and helps the Living Word come alive!




Stuart Royall said...

Chapters 1 through 7 are awesome....a lot of content and I know we could focus on tons of stuff on each chapter. But I think for now we simply state questions and aha! thoughts about what God by His Spirit is showing us. For me,
CH. 1- God's word comes to Zechariah. I love God pursuing us. We can relax knowing that as we seek Him, He will bring us what we need to know. Also God is angry with Israel but zealous for her at the same time. Israel often does not hear God's speaking.
CH 2. Israel is the apple of God's eye...we being the church, spiritual Israel, have been grafted in to that same love and care!
CH 3. Note how Satan is present with the angel. When we are involved in life, wickedness and holiness are battling nearby for dominance in our own lives.
CH 4. The highlight in my reading today: "Not by might nor by power...but by My Spirit says the Lord of hosts." I love this. It takes the pressure off of myself and doing things in my own ability. But as I rely on God and submit myself to Him, He can have His way. That's way enough by now...your thoughts?

180 said...

Zechariah is full of wisdom

HR said...

GO Reading! Awesome to get in the word

Chance said...


Stuart Royall said...

OK Chance.... woot is a good response. It took 70-11 tries and still woot is the best breakdown of the text I could have expected. Come on Jesus...we need YOU!