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Monday, May 23, 2011

Ten Tough Questions to Ministry Leaders

Ten questions that I was challenged to ask myself as a pastor recently in reading Darrin Patrick's Church Planter

1.Am I addressing problems that arise in the church directly and boldly, or am I allowing problems and dysfunctions to fester?
2. Am I making wise use of the time that God has given me?  Are there any ungodly hobbies or habits that I need to eliminate from my schedule to further my effectiveness in ministry?
3.  Am I being thoughtful about how I am taking care of my body?   Am I practicing godly sleeping and eating habits?  Am I taking Sabbath rest? 
4) Are there any areas in my life that call for me to make a vow before the Lord?
5) Am I surrounding myself with godly influences that will make my ministry sustainable over the long term?  Do I have wise counselors and close male friendship to whom I can turn?  Am I building a godly marriage and family life?
6) Am I applying the gospel that I preach to others to myself as well?  Do I believe that through Christ, God is for me and not against me?
7) Where do I turn when I get discouraged?  Is Christ my functional hope and source of refreshment throughout the day?
8) Am I leaning on the power of the Holy Spirit?  Am I trusting God to do what is impossible through my own strength?

"All these practices of determination can only be done in conscious dependence upon the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18).  A determined man is not a man who is simply driven by his will, but a man who is empowered by the Spirit."  Take a moment to pray and ask the Holy Spirit to encourage and strengthen you in the ministry to which God has called you."

MMMMMM....this is good.  I feel like I need to realign some things.  I so appreciate a good word in a needful time.  The Holy Spirit is allowing me to come across things that will help me succeed because He is the "paraclete" the HELPER!

- Stu

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