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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

What Do You Look For In A Man?

Continuing on my manhood kick, a good quote from Stu Webers, Tender Warrior.  Stu, quotes Robin Hardy in The Chataine's Guardian about a conversation of what women look for in a man.  I thought it was completely powerful....

"The talk at the table turned to what women found interesting in men....One girl said she liked a man with dark eyes....Another girl said she preferred strong, muscular men.  Another said she was attracted to men with beards.  Then someone asked, 'Deidre, what do you like in a man?' They fell silent waiting.
"She put her cloth to her mouth.  The fire burned warmly at her back.  'It is good for a man to be strong,' she said.  'A strong man can do so many things.  But a man who is both strong and gentle is wonderful.  A man must be intelligent of course, but if he is also humble, that makes him all the more appealing....a man who is strong enough to live a disciplined life, but who is tender with the faults of others....a man who is honest above all, but kind....a man with courage to stay with the same task year in and year out, even if it is boring or tiring or painful, simply because it is his duty...a man with the courage of faithfulness.  I love all these things about a man.'  There was....silence."

God we are in dire need for these type of men in our community!

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